A literature review on the influence of Self-referencing and involvement on consumer behaviour

A literature review on the influence of Self-referencing and involvement on consumer behaviour
TOPIC: A literature review on the influence of Self-referencing and involvement on consumer behaviour.
• Using research conducted from 1990 to 2014.
• Literature review of academic articles
• The topic is self-referencing and involvement. You look at what we know and what we do not know on those topics from the articles you select. Trends would be developments in the research on self-referencing and involvement over time. For example, how definitions have changed, what subjects have been studied. The emphasis is on self-referencing and involvement.
• The content is highly relevant, shows a command of the topic.
• You show an appreciation of what has been found, how it relates to the research question.
Reviews make logical sense, you emphasize key theory and the level of support in the literature for concepts you are discussing.
• You organise content clearly and logically, and make no technical errors with presentation very professional. You use correctly APA referencing style and presentation is very professional. Length is correct.
• Generally, when preparing your literature review, you should focus on marketing journals (rather than pure psychology journals) and your focus should be on research from 1990-2014.
In academic research, some Journals are also considered to be of a higher tier than others, and the following provides a list of quality journals in the marketing realm. This does not mean you should only use these journals or that they will have all the information you need on your topic — it is a guide to those journals considered to be of higher quality when considering how to focus the body of research you may have gathered.
Journal of Marketing
Journal of Consumer Research
Journal of Marketing Research
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Journal of Retailing
Marketing Science
European Journal of Marketing
Journal of Advertising
Journal of Advertising Research
Journal of Marketing Management
Useful consumer behaviour journals also include:
Journal of Consumer Research
Psychology and Marketing
Journal of Consumer Behaviour
Journal of Business Research
Structure of a literature review
Your introduction should give an outline of
• why you are writing a review, and why the topic is important
• the scope of the review — what aspects of the topic will be discussed
• the criteria used for your literature selection (e.g.. type of sources used, date range)
• the organisational pattern of the review.
Body paragraphs
Each body paragraph should deal with a different theme that is relevant to your topic. You will need to synthesise several of your reviewed readings into each paragraph, so that there is a clear connection between the various sources. You will need to critically analyse each source for how they contribute to the themes you are researching.
The body could include paragraphs on:
• historical background
• methodologies
• previous studies on the topic
• mainstream versus alternative viewpoints
• principle questions being asked
• general conclusions that are being drawn.
Your conclusion should give a summary of:
• the main agreements and disagreements in the literature
• any gaps or areas for further research
• your overall perspective on the topic.

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