Analyze the role of chance versus choice in the paintings of Pollock, the music of John Cage, and the choreography of Merce Cunningham. Did these artists achieve a balance between freedom and control and between meaninglessness and purposeful action?

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Select one of the topics listed below.
Your essay should be double spaced and 1000-1200 words in length.
•First paragraph: introduction with thesis statement.
•Last paragraph: conclusion summarizing key points and restating the thesis statement.
•Middle paragraphs (three or more): should each contain a topic sentence with relevant facts to support your informed opinion.
•Essay must be created as a Word (.doc or .docx) or Rich Text (.rtf) file.
Compose a written response of 1000-1200 words that fully answers the question(s) asked. This essay should represent your personal reaction and opinions related to the material (philosophy, art, literature, religion) covered in the course. If you include quoted or paraphrased information in your response, you must properly cite and reference the original source(s) using MLA Style.
The essay will be graded according to the Essay Grading Form (below). You should evaluate your essay against the grading criteria contained in the Essay Grading Form before submitting your completed essay.
1.After viewing [Click Title to View] Battleship Potemkin, From Here to Eternity, and Saving Private Ryan, or Saving Private Ryan with captions (You must view and analyze all 3 films in your essay) answer the following: How did early film makers use film to serve the state? How do modern depictions of war in films such as Saving Private Ryan differ from the early depictions of war in films such as Battleship Potemkin and From here to Eternity? How does the representation of WWI and WWII in TV and film differ from the representation of more recent wars?
Analyze the role of chance versus choice in the paintings of Pollock, the music of John Cage, and the choreography of Merce Cunningham. Did these artists achieve a balance between freedom and control and between meaninglessness and purposeful action?
What reason does Simone de Beauvoir give for women’s traditional subordination to men? Compare this point of view with that of John Stuart Mill (Reading 30.4 – Book 5), and Virginia Woolf (Reading 36.10).
The story by Joyce Carol Oates (Reading 37.4) is representative of gratuitous violence in modern American culture. How does Oates’ story compare with the kinds of information currently available in newspapers and television? Does Oates distill the experience of violence in any meaningful way?
Submitting your assignment: When you have completed your essay, use the File Upload tab to upload your file and click Submit Assignment to submit the assignment. (Use the instructions at this link–How do I submit an online assignment?–for guidance.) This assignment contributes 20% of the course grade. Late submissions will not be accepted. Please see the course syllabus and schedule for details.
Note: Your work will be checked for plagiarism, so do not rely on outside sources. Write the essay in your own words. This is not a research report; rather, it is an opportunity for you to express your views, informed by your reading of the textbook, on one of the topics. If you are unsure about what constitutes plagiarism, review this site: Edison State College: Understanding Plagiarism

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