Are Single-Gender Classes Necessary to Ensure Equal Educational Opportunities for Boys and Girls?

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Read the issue (Abbeduto & Symons, pp. 2-15) and journal articles attached.
Please answer the following questions:
1. As with most issues in education, there are benefits and consequences when some type of reform is proposed. Research shows that when students who attended gender segregated schools are done with school they tend to stick to our society’s gender stereotypes, and this seems to be deemed as a consequence. What are your thoughts on this? Is sticking to these stereotypes harmful for students as members of society, or beneficial? How can education (single sex or coed) help our society break free from these stereotypes?
2. Think of a 8th grade class comprised of only boys, and then a 8th grade class comprised of only girls. What do you visualize in comparison to a coed classroom? Does this type of environment strike you as one being more conducive to learning, or not? Be descriptive. Apply the concept to what you know about education already and the struggles and/or strong points we already have.

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