Clarity 1

Assume that you work for a large UK-based company called Renergical
Ltd. The company deals in worldwide installation of renewable energy plants
including solar, wind, and geothermal plants. You have worked for this company
for 5 years as a Project Manager and have been involved in installing wind
energy plants in Europe. You have just completed a € 25 million project in
Denmark. Last Friday, your director informed you that you are going to the
States</country-region> to lead the installation of a large solar energy
plant. There are three weeks remaining to the start of the project. You will be
leading a team of 150 engineers, technicians, and construction workers in the
U.S. You have not met any of these individuals. Your director has authorised a
face-to-face meeting in the U.S. with key individuals of your team.

Answer and discuss the following questions:

  • What
    questions would you ask to understand the human factors involved in the new
  • What would
    you do in order to prepare yourself for the face-to-face meeting?
  • Which
    individuals from within the team would you invite to the meeting and why? Would
    you focus on meeting your team only or would you meet other individuals and
    organisational units to know them better before the project begins?

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