Controlling Skin Cancer

Part B – Controlling Skin Cancer (10 marks)
Skin cancer occurs when skin cells are damaged, for example by overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. Every year, in Australia skin cancers account for around 80% of all newly diagnosed cancers. Between 95 and 99% of skin cancers are caused by exposure to the sun. The incidence of skin cancer in Australia is one of the highest in the world, two to three times the rates in Canada, the US and the UK.
Your task is to research skin cancer statistics in Australia since the year 2000 and answer the following questions:
• Have the incidences of skin cancer (melanoma, basal cell & squamous cell carcinoma) diagnoses in Australia increased or decreased since this time?
• What reasons would you suggest? Comment on your findings.
• Has our increased awareness of the causes of skin cancer had an impact on the occurrence of skin cancer in Australia (eg: through the media or doctors)?
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Your response to these questions must be supported by recent statistics from the Cancer Council website or from an Australian Government Health Agency website.
Your response to these questions must be no longer than one A4 page in total (typed).
You must also include a bibliography (which includes at least two references) at the end of this Part. On a separate page.
NB. Information on how to correctly write a bibliography can be found on pages 123 and 124 of your student diary.
Two examples are provided for you as a guide as to the expected format.
• Heffernan, D.A, Learmonth, M.S, (2000). The World of Science (3rd Ed). Longman, Melbourne.
• Australian Government, Department of the Environment. [internet]. Last updated, December 2009. Available from <> [accessed 20 February, 2012]
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