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Each course requires you to complete a Course Project. In most cases, that project will be a paper that deals with a topic related to the course content. Your instructor may have additional requirements. In general, the Course Project paper should be between 1600 to 1700 words in length, 12 point font, double-spaced; and must use APA format for both in-body citations and the reference page at the end of the paper. The individual Course Project Assignments will all contribute to your final product so there is no wasted effort!
For this project you should create a minimum 3-page research proposal detailing a paper in which you will write a tutorial on how to complete a certain mathematical concept covered in one of the chapters that you will work on. The chapters that will be covered in the course are the following:
o Chapter 1. Review of Real Numbers
o Chapter 2. Equations, Inequalities, and Problem Solving
o Chapter 3. Graphing
o Chapter 4. Solving Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities
o Chapter 5. Exponents and Polynomials
o Chapter 6. Factoring Polynomials
o Chapter 7. Rational Expressions
o Chapter 8. Roots and Radicals
The tutorial paper should contain:
1. Clearly defined project – Create a well-written description of the idea that you are proposing, including the objective of the project, chronology or timeline, and resources needed.
2. Application of mathematical concepts – Explain how the concept from the area of your choice can apply to a real-world scenario which helps support an element(s) of the project. Additionally, use appropriate formulas to show example calculations.
3. Research – Find at least two sources of information that support the elements in your paper. For example, you may find research that supports the need for your idea, or that provides formulas that you will use or ideas you will incorporate into your project. Include complete citations for your sources in APA format.
4. Reflection – Write a short paragraph stating how mathematical reasoning and/or concepts learned in class can apply to the decisions made on the project. Additionally, reflect on the necessity of mathematical knowledge. Support your opinion with an example from this project.
This lesson you are required to submit the topic you have chosen for the Project. The topic that you choose may be related to your career but does not have to be. For this Topic Submission assignment, you simply need to write a paragraph or two in a Word document that describes what your topic will be and how you plan on applying the mathematical concepts covered in this course (keep in mind that you must apply all of the concepts within that chapter). In addition, describe the two sources you will reference in your project.
Course Project Outline
Now that you have narrowed down your topic, based on your efforts in Lesson 1, it’s time to do some serious research and put together a short outline for your paper. Think of that outline as the roadmap for the direction your paper will take.
Please create a Word document that lists at least four references (in APA format) for sources that you plan to use in your paper. It does not have to be your final list, just intended to get you started, and it’s not set in stone. But, please remember to use scholarly sources, which does not include Wikipedia.
In addition to your reference list, please submit a brief outlineshowing the flow or order of the topics that you plan to include in your paper. Spending time on the outline really makes writing the paper much easier, as many of you probably already know. Your instructor will give you feedback on your assignment to make sure that you are still heading in the right direction. Keep up the good work!
The Importance of the Portfolio
Your Portfolio is a compilation of documents, certificates and correspondence that you will utilize to present yourself to a prospective employer.
This is an area for you to compile information from this class. Copy the content below and paste it into a word processing program. Fill out the document by answering each of the questions and paste your final course project/paper at the bottom. Be sure to convert this document to a pdf file and save on your hard drive or other storage device. Then upload the pdf file into the submission box.
Items to Note:
o This is a culmination of your hard work on your project and it should be a professional presentation of your accomplishments. Please don’t rush through it.
o For the first 2 questions, please complete this fully and thoroughly with insight. Each of these should be an entire paragraph and not just a brief, simple statement. You want to put some thought into it.
o The instructor comments are not for your instructor to complete. These are comments that have been made on your work throughout the term. Compile them and include them here. Please don’t leave this section blank.
o Lastly, include your project (and/or assignments as listed below).
These items will be of great benefit to you in pursuit of your career. You should also print out this document, place in your portfolio binder.
Student Name:
Course Code and Description:
Course Code and Description:
How has this course benefited me in my career?
What specific skills have I learned in this class?
Instructor Comments regarding my performance:
Course Paper/Project:
You will post your final course project/paper(s) here.