(5) Essay Assignment Options:
Additional literature on cultures may be used, but is not required. Once you have decided
which essay-assignment you will answer, I will get you the articles or make them available
at Dafoe Library circulation desk. Please be sure to cite all sources. Please Select and
Answer ONE of the following Essay Questions:

Option 1:
In any society, status goes to those who control the distribution of valued goods and
services outside the family. Keeping this idea in mind, discuss the characteristics of
horticulture as a mode of production that lead to a higher status for women compared to
intensive agriculture. Why should the shift from horticulture to agriculture be associated
with a loss of status for women?
Compare and contrast Kapauku, Trobriand, and Aztec cultures and economies to explain
how social statuses and roles relate to the control of subsistence in each culture. To support
and exemplify your discussion, please use ethnographic case-study data from article,
“Kapauku: New Guinea Capitalists”, article, “Trobriand Islanders: The Power of Exchange”,
article, “Aztec: Ancient Legacy, Modern Pride”, and information from your textbook (see
page 7).

Option 2:
We are increasingly affected by a homogenizing world capitalist system, a process called
globalization. Others argue that globalization ironically creates unique mixes of (and
conflicts between) ethnic, religious and gendered identities. What impact does globalization
have on racial, ethnic or religious differences of indigenous people? Choosing one or two of
these categories, compare and contrast how Haitian, Nuer and Hmong social relations have
changed due to globalization (and colonialization).
Compare and contrast the Haitians, Nuer, and Hmong to support your argument. Please use
ethnographic case-study data from article,“Haiti: A Nation in Turmoil”, article, “Nuer: Cattle
and Kinship in Sudan”, article, “Hmong: Struggle and Perseverance”, and information from
your textbook (see page 7).
Option 3:
Shamans, sorcerers and medical doctors all depend, to a greater or lesser extent, on the
cultural construction of illness; the use of “medicinal substances” and “healing rituals”; and
depend on the “placebo effect” to obtain a cure.
Describe, compare and contrast these different cultural roles, cultural constructions and
substances in Tiwi, Ojibwa, and Yanomamo cultures to support your argument. Please use
ethnographic case-study data from article, “Tiwi: Tradition in Australia”, article, “Ojibwa:
The People Endure”, article, “Yanomamo: Challenges in the Rainforest”, and information
from your textbook (see page 7).

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