Described the target customer for the product/service in terms of relevant characteristics that impact the marketing strategy, including location (how reached) and buying habits

Assignment Component
Maximum Points
Described the target customer for the product/service in terms of relevant characteristics that impact the marketing strategy, including location (how reached) and buying habits.
Target customer is clearly and accurately identified. Description includes all relevant characteristics that impact the marketing strategy, including (but not limited to) location and buying habits.
Identified each customer segment’s specific wants and needs. Explained why they buy your company’s product or service, or a competing product or service.
Each customer segment’s wants and needs are identified, specific, and appropriate.
Explanation as to why the customer buys the product/service is clear, complete, and provides specific detail to support ideas.
Justified how well your product/service satisfies customer wants and needs. Identified any wants and needs that are not met by your product/service.
Justification of how well the product/service satisfies customer wants and needs is clear, complete, and provides sound examples that support stance.
Any wants and needs not met by the product/service are identified and evaluated.
Analyzed your product’s position in relation to the competition. Identified the main competitors. Explained how your product differs in terms of features, function, quality, price, availability, brand image, etc. Explained why this differentiation is important to your customers. Explained how the 5 “P’s” of marketing are represented in the analysis.
Analysis of product in relation to competition is clear, complete, and detailed. Where the product resides in the market as a whole is clear and accurate. Main competitors are specified.
Explanation of how product differs from competition is clear and complete. It includes discussion of features, function, quality, price, availability, brand image, and the like.

Explanation of why differentiation is important to customers is clear and supports the justification as to customers’ wants and needs. Explanation links the analysis to the 5 “P’s” of marketing.

Described the source of competitive advantage for your product. Evaluated how sustainable this source of advantage is.
Source of competitive advantage for product is clearly and completely described with details to highlight specific ideas.

Evaluation of sustainability of source of advantage is clear and grounded in appropriate examples.

Included information from appropriate interviews.
Information from interviews is woven into the assignment and used as support throughout.
Wrote using ethical scholarship and proper grammar and mechanics.
Writing is clear, concise, and in an organized manner; demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displays accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

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