Devor’s “Becoming Members of Society: Learning the Social Meanings of Gender

Devor’s “Becoming Members of Society: Learning the Social Meanings of Gender

Paper instructions:
Texts: from Chapter 4 of Rereading America, Devor’s “Becoming Members of Society: Learning the Social Meanings of Gender”, Kilbourne’s “Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt: Advertising and Violence”,
Kimmel’s “‘Bros before Hos’: The Guy Code”, and Orenstein’s “Just Between You, Me, and my 622 BFFs”. Also, consider the chapters on concision and clarity in The Nuts and Bolts of College Writing.
Choose one of the following prompts. In response to the prompt, write an essay that fulfills its requirements.
Writing 1, Spring Semester 2014, Online
Prof. de Roulet

First Formal Essay Assignment: Juxtaposition and Understanding
Society’s Expectations for Men and Women—A Cultural Myth
Due dates and format:
• Rough draft of the essay due at the beginning of class on Wednesday, July 2by 5 p.m. Send this to both your editing group (to be assigned at the end of week 2) and to
• Final draft of the essay due at the beginning of class on Monday, July 7 by 5 p.m. Send the file to me as a Microsoft Word file, attached to your email and saved as YourlastnameEssayWR1Summer2014.doc.
• Format requirements: Minimum 1000 words, 10-12 point formal font, double-spaced with one-inch margins, in MLA format (search for MLA OWL via an online search engine for details). The required Works Cited page (see MLA OWL) is not considered as part of four pages.
Texts: from Chapter 4 of Rereading America, Devor’s “Becoming Members of Society: Learning the Social Meanings of Gender”, Kilbourne’s “Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt: Advertising and Violence”,
Kimmel’s “‘Bros before Hos’: The Guy Code”, and Orenstein’s “Just Between You, Me, and my 622 BFFs”. Also, consider the chapters on concision and clarity in The Nuts and Bolts of College Writing.
Choose one of the following prompts. In response to the prompt, write an essay that fulfills its requirements.

Prompt 1: Your thesis should address this question: In what ways does Devore agree and disagree with Kimmel and Orenstein? Explain for a reader who has not read Devor’s essay, “Becoming Members of Society: Learning the Social Meanings of Gender”, Devor’s description of the “I”, the “me”, and the “generalized other”; in particular, describe the how Devor sees these concepts affecting the development of gender identities. Then, compare these ideas from Devor’s essay to the Kimmel’s and Orenstein’s ideas in their essays about how gender identities or gender roles develop. In your essay’s conclusion, explain what main idea would you like your reader to take away from an examination of the three essays.

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Prompt 2: Your thesis should address this question: In what ways do Devore’s definitions of masculinity and femininity, and his descriptions of how they affect behaviors in society, hold true and/or are questioned in the other essays you have chosen? Explain for a reader who has not read Devor’s essay, “Becoming Members of Society: Learning the Social Meanings of Gender”, Devor’s descriptions of masculinity and femininity; also describe how he believes these concepts affect behaviors in society. Then compare this information you have gleaned from Devor’s essay to the essays of Kilbourne and either Kimmel or Orenstein. In your essay’s conclusion, explain what main idea would you like your reader to take away from an examination of the three essays.

Grading criteria for this essay assignment

Category 1: Organization – state a claim or thesis and follow through with it in an effective manner throughout your written essay.

Category 2: Development – express thoughts that go beyond the surface of subject and show an engagement with the topic at hand.

Category 3: Academic Conversation – understand the expressed thoughts and claims of other writers, interact with their ideas and claims, and use these (with proper MLA-style documentation of your sources both in the text and in a Works Cited page) to inform the development of your own claims and ideas.

Category 4: Standard Written English – use the conventions of standard written formal English to clearly express your thoughts to your readers. Pay particular attention to grammar, spelling, syntax, word choices, and punctuation.

Category 5: Style – demonstrate an understanding of rhetorical tools to communicate ideas in a way that make readers interested in your work. Pay particular attention to selecting a title, hook, background information and a thesis in your introduction. Pay particular attention in your conclusion to a single idea you want your reader to take away from your essay.

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