discussion board 2

Please read “Sentencing In The United States” by Lawrence F. Travis III beginning on page 47 of your Latessa/Holsinger text. Discuss with your peers the following questions. While you are welcome to provide a reflection to the reading as well, your response should in some way speak to the questions below.

1) According to your text, certainty is the most important condition of deterrence. Why? Do you agree or disagree? Explain.

2) Considering what you have read, should we punish offenders for crimes not yet committed though it is predicted they will commit a new crime? Explain.

3) Finally, discuss a potential benefit to sentencing disparity.

Your initial post should be provided by Day 3 (Wednesday). All peer posts should be provided by Day 7 (Sunday). You should respond to at least one peer. Don’t forget to include in-text citations and references! Engage in conversation!

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discussion board 2

This is a repost from week 1 discussion what is ethics, in which the current administration was President Obama and the President-elect was Trump, whom the latter’s administration I hope is only one term in regard to the environment. No matter which half of America you side with, you will be able to see how people profiting from the continued use of fossil fuels are framing both domestic and foreign policy. We could include clean energy on the list of infrastructure that needs to be rebuilt in this country and the world in general, while in some cases bypassing fossil fuels infrastructure in emerging nations for clean energy infrastructure, of which developed countries will have to contribute to the cost of, unless you think we can build a wall completely around all of the American states and territories that will keep the global climate out of our areas of influence. In the first article is an interview by Mark Landler and Coral Davenport with President Obama, pay particular attention to his and mine view of what can be done to replace jobs in fossil fuel producing areas of the nation.

After our last divisive presidential election, I am not going to wade into the Immigration, Gun Control, Supreme Court Appointment (Abortion), Affordable Care Act, Black Lives Matter, and Transgender Bathrooms abyss, but I am going to dive head first into the Global Warming, Fossil Fuel, Renewable Energy, Fracking, and Keystone XL Pipeline pool, since the current administration accepts scientific consensus on climate change whereas the President-elect is either a doubter or denier of climate change, I feel there is going to be some ethical issues on how fossil fuels are framed and if the worst case scenario comes to fruition what the lasting effects in term of years for its reversal will be.


Obama on

Climate Change:

The Trends

Are ‘Terrifying’

By Julie Hirschfeld Davis, Mark Landler, and Coral Davenport | September 8, 2016

Joining Forces With China

Mr. Obama with President Xi Jinping of China in California in June 2013. Despite their differences, the two leaders have worked together on landmark agreements to address climate change. Credit Christopher Gregory/The New York Times


Donald J. Trump Verified account @realDonaldTrump

The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.

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11:15 AM – 6 Nov 2012

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Trump acknowledges climate change — at his golf course

The billionaire, who called global warming a hoax, warns of its dire effects in his company’s application to build a sea wall.

By Ben Schreckinger

05/23/16 05:35 AM EDT

A permit application for a sea wall around one of Donald Trump’s golf courses explicitly names global warming as a reason to build the wall. | AP Photo

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discussion board 2

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Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 250–300 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Discuss the following points regarding how to identify forces of change and their impact:

  • Identify and discuss 3 examples of routine or transactional change during your work experience.
  • Identify and discuss at least 2 examples of transformational change during your work experience.
  • Compare and contrast the 2 types of change in terms of the following:
    • Importance to the firm
    • Risk
    • Opportunity
    • How many people were impacted
    • Apply various models of organization change
    • Establish a foundation for developing the skills necessary to manage change in the organization
    •  make sure you have two scholarly references

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