Early African History research paper

Research Paper Guidelines
A. Provide a cover page indicating the Course, your name, Topic and Date.
B. The Maximum length of your paper should be 13 pages, Minimum – 7 pages.
C. Paper should be typed (double spaced) and printed on ONE SIDE of the sheet. USE THE 12- POINT FONT AND THE TIMES NEW ROMAN STYLE.
– STAPLE YOUR WORK! AND NUMBER YOUR PAGES – Top Right Corner of Page! Your name should NOT appear beside the page numbers.
D. Your paper should include the following:
-Table of Contents
-Main Body of Discussion
-Conclusion & Suggestions
Note: The Cover page, Table of Contents and References pages DO NOT COUNT AS parts of the length of the work. But you must number the References page.
Table of Contents
Section Page
Introduction………………………………………… 1
Brief history of Ghana…………………………….. 2
Colonial rule in Ghana…………………………….. 4
Colonial Education in Ghana……………………… 7
Conclusion…………………………………………… 9
References………………………………………….. 11
E. Introduction:
1. Your introduction should state clearly the purpose of your paper and any other related issues to be discussed, with reference to the topic.
2. You may begin your introduction this way:
In this paper, I shall discuss the impact of colonialism on Africa and the African peoples. Specifically, it focuses on the role of colonial education and its effects on the Kenyan society.
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effects of colonial education on the Kenyan society. Related issues to be discussed include the nature and goals colonialism, the colonial school curriculum and its effects on the people and the society.
This paper examines the effects of colonial education on the Kenyan society and its people. It discusses the colonial school curriculum, the nature of the education system and its effects on the society and the people. It also provides suggestions for the restructuring of Kenyan education system in efforts to make education relevant to the socio-economic needs of the present Kenyan society.
3. The main Body of the paper:
This section should be divided into specific subheadings, with each section discussing one specific aspect of the topic.
A Brief History of Ghana
Ghana is located in West Africa with a total land mass of about 93,000sq. miles. Its current population is approximately 20 million people and was colonized by the British at the close of the 19th Century. The country………
Colonial Rule in Ghana: 1884-1957
Ghana was colonized by the British in the late 19th century. At first the British met some resistance from the people, particularly the Ashantis of the forest belt but they were defeated in …………………………………
Colonial Education in Ghana
The education system introduced by the British in colonial Ghana was based on…………………….
F. Citations – Indicate sources where applicable throughout your paper.
“According to Oyewumi (2005), gender relations in Africa is based on Seniority rather than ………………………….
Gender relations in Africa, is based on seniority rather than biology due to the cultural perceptions of the people, particularly among the Yoruba of Western Nigeria (Oyewumi, 1997: 104).
You may cite Internet sources this way:
According to data provided by the United Nations, domestic violence is a social cancer which keeps spreading like wildfire without any firm strategy to stop it
( un.org, May 13, 2006).
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Direct Quotes (2-3 sentences):
The evidence presented clearly indicates the fact that colonialism established a dependency economy in Africa, Davidson explains: “European colonialists used Africans to exploit the latter’s natural resources without putting anything back into the African economy” (Davidson, 1997: 76).
Direct Quotes (more than 3 sentences):
This argument is similarly supported by John Smith who states:
The study of African history has long been the subject of debate in regards to the evidence provided, largely due to the oral sources. That is, should we accept oral tradition as valid knowledge or scientific? If the former, then how do we prove its validity over time? If the latter, what criterion do we use to achieve its scientific nature? This has been the cause of the main argument. On the other hand, how do we also attest to the validity of the written word? Is it also not biased? The issue must be explored further (Smith, 2001: 25).
G. Conclusion
Your conclusion should provide a short summary of your research and should correspond to your introduction. It should also include your opinions and suggestions concerning the topic.
“The purpose of this paper was to examine the impact of colonial education o the Kenyan people and their society. It discussed the nature of the colonial education system, the curriculum and the effects of this education on the people. Based on the research findings, it could be concluded that colonial education greatly contributed to the present social and economic problems of Kenya, particularly in regards to the development of agriculture and the production of food. The education provided only served the British colonialists without taking into account the well being of the native Kenyans. It is suggested that the Kenyan government makes the effort to…………… …………………………….
Provide your references in alphabetical order in the following style;
Achebe, Chinua. 1997. Things Fall Apart. New York: Praeger
Abiodun, Samuel (ed.). 2003. The Problems of Urbanization in Nigeria. Lagos: Zed
Chazan, Paula et al. 1998. A History of Africa. Boulder, CO: Lynne Reinner
Bardon, John. 2003. “Domestic Violence in South Africa: Finding Solutions.”
(un.org, May 13).
Busia, Abenaa. 1995. Remaking the Asante Nation. New York: Praeger.
Cousins, John. 2004. The Development Paradox: The Kenyan Experience.
London, England: Oxford University Press.
“Domestic Violence in South Africa: Finding Solutions.” Un.org. May 13, 2006.
Johnson, Samuel. 1994. “The African Dilemma: Ethnicity and National Unity.”
Journal of African Studies 2, (11). 75-8

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