Consider a particular real organization of your choice which has an international profile. Discuss how the organization is adopting the
principles of environmental and social sustainability (do not consider economic orfinancial sustainability) in its supply chain management
and logistics operations, and use examples from the organization to support your description. lnclude diagrammatic models and other relevan
figures where appropriate to illustrate and support your discussion. Bear in mind that the analysis and discussion must be specific to your
chosen organization and not merely a regurgitation of general practice and principles. Include a references section which should include all
of your sources forthe essay, and format it using the Harvard style.
principles of environmental and social sustainability (do not consider economic orfinancial sustainability) in its supply chain management
and logistics operations, and use examples from the organization to support your description. lnclude diagrammatic models and other relevan
figures where appropriate to illustrate and support your discussion. Bear in mind that the analysis and discussion must be specific to your
chosen organization and not merely a regurgitation of general practice and principles. Include a references section which should include all
of your sources forthe essay, and format it using the Harvard style.