Environmental studies

Project description
EDLM40 Referred Work February 2013
If you are referred in element 1 for this module please write a report of 2,000 words that answers
the following question:
Critically evaluate the use of both questionnaires and focus groups for the evaluation of employee
perception of hazards and risk in the workplace. Compare and contrast the advantages and
disadvantages of the two techniques.
Your report needs to make reference to the academic literature and include at least three examples
of studies where questionnaires and focus groups have been used to evaluate health & safety
The work needs to be submitted through Turnitin by 22/4/13.

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EDLM40 Data Analysis & Research Methods
General instructions
This part of the assessment is worth 50% of the module. It is divided
into four parts of equal weighting. You should attempt all parts. The total
word limit is 2000 words – excluding the contents of Tables and Figures.
Submit Part II as a separate file via TurnItIn in the module Sunspace.
Use Tables and Figures to support your interpretation of the data. In
interpreting the data be sure to describe the results fully in words i.e.
Tables, Figures and descriptive statistics must be fully explained.
Questions A, B, and C require you to use of a statistical test. For these
questions you should state:
– the Null Hypothesis
– a brief explanation for your choice of test
– the results of the tests reported in an appropriate format (i.e. not
material cut-and-paste from SPSS output)
– an interpretation of the findings.
There is no need to conduct statistical tests for Question D. Your
answer for this question should state:
– the Null Hypothesis and statistical test that you would apply to
answer each question
– a brief explanation for your choice of test
The statistical tests in Questions A, B and C may be carried out using a
statistical package (e.g. SPSS) OR by hand.
If you use a statistical package you should cut-and-paste the computer
generated output and include this in your report. You MUST then extract
the relevant information from this output and present it in an appropriate
format in your answer. You must be careful to demonstrate that you
understand the results of the tests performed.
If you elect to do the calculations by hand, workings for each step in the
calculations should be shown in your report. Remember that you must
demonstrate that you understand the results of the tests performed.
There is NO need to refer to the wider academic literature (e.g. on health
and safety in the workplace, gender discrimination etc.), but DO cite any
statistical textbooks or computer package used…..
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Background to questions.
The results of a sample-based questionnaire survey are shown in Table 1.
Twenty-five shop floor employees of known gender working at a
manufacturing company were asked to answer the following questions:
Question 1: Have you ever raised a safety issue with your company’s H&S
officer (please answer yes, no)?
Question 2: When you started employment with this company did you attend a
H&S briefing during your induction (please answer yes or no)?
Question 3: How long have you worked with this company (please answer
using the following scale: 1= up to 1 year, 2= 1-3 years, 3= more than 3
Question 4: How much did you earn (£) last year (including bonuses and
In the next two questions please score your agreement with the statements
using the following scale: 1 (agree completely), 2 (agree slightly), 3 (neutral),
4 (disagree slightly), 5 (disagree completely).
Question 5: “The company is a safe place to work and H&S is always a top
Question 6: “I enjoy my work and feel that I am a valued member of staff”
Assignment questions….
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Answer the questions A to D. Use a statistical test in parts A, B, and C.
A. Is there any evidence that male and female employees differ in their
salaries? (25%)
B. Is there any evidence that male and female employees differed in
likelihood of raising a safety issue with the company’s H&S officer? (25%)
C. Is there any evidence that employees’ length of employment with the
company and salary are related? (25%)
D. Which statistical test would you use to investigate the following additional
questions: (25%)
– is there a relationship between employees’ answers to Q5 and Q6?
– do employees who have raised a H&S issue (Q1) differ in their views about
working at the company as expressed in Q5 and Q6?
Table 1. The responses of 25 anonymous employees to company’s
survey on H&S and reputation.
Respondent Gender Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6
A M Y n 2 24428 1 2
B M N y 2 30561 3 2
C M N n 3 25667 3 3
D F Y y 2 18999 4 4
E F N n 1 21233 1 1
F M Y n 1 20454 2 2
G F Y n 3 19667 3 4
H F N n 3 20555 4 1
I M Y y 1 19677 2 3
J M Y n 2 19673 5 3
K F Y n 1 17983 1 4
L F Y y 2 18282 3 1
M F Y n 3 25878 4 2
O M N n 2 23868 2 5
P M Y y 1 18648 3 3
Q F Y n 3 22729 1 3
R M Y y 1 29674 1 2
S F N n 2 20439 2 2
T F N y 3 18372 1 1
U M N y 2 23967 2 3
V M N n 3 24875 4 4
W M N n 2 28789 1 2
X F N y 1 21872 4 4
Y F Y y 1 17822 4 5
Z M N n 3 21782 2 3
Note: You may assume that the salary data:
– do not differ in variance for males and females
– are normally distributed for both males and females.

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