ethics in counseling

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) Identify in hierarchical order the four most important client rights that you believe a counselor has an obligation to protect and describe how you will incorporate these rights into your professional practice.
Responsibility to Warn and Protect
1) Identify the factors that you will consider in order to determine your “duty to warn” and “duty to protect” responsibilities as a counselor. Create a scenario for each of these two situations and describe how you will apply specific factors to make a decision about how to proceed. Scenarios should be complex and include sufficient ambiguity that reasonable counselors might make different decisions about how to precede. Identify the ethical issues that you considered in making your decision.
Client Record-Keeping
1) Discuss how client record-keeping is related to competent, ethical practice. Identify the components of a clinical record that you believe are most important for a) protecting the client’s right to a professional standard of care and b) protecting the counselor from liability.
Topic of Choice
1) From the material covered in the first four modules, select one ethical issue that you find most interesting or controversial or that you believe will be most challenging for you to manage in your future practice as a counselor. Explain why this issue is significant for you and what additional professional growth experiences would provide you the knowledge, experience, or insight to deal effectively with this issue in counseling. Create a brief case scenario involving this issue that would be difficult for you to manage comfortably as a professional counselor. Identify the steps that you would go through to decide how to proceed with the client you describe.

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