Explain why, according to Power, the United States did not intervene in Rwanda when the genocide was taking place

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PHIL119 Spring 2014: Second Midterm


Short Answer (100-125 words for each question; 10 points each):

1.  Explain why, according to Power, the United States did not intervene in Rwanda when the genocide was taking place.  Mention at least two other explanations that she rejects, and explain why she rejects them.

2.  What is “care ethics” according to Gilligan?  Contrast it with Kohlberg’s justice-based approach to moral development.

3.  How would an actor that causes some suffering for the greater good be evaluated by (a) Mill’s greatest happiness principle, as opposed to (b) Walzer’s version of the dirty hands theory?

4.  Explain the difference between identifiable and statistical victims as articulated in the Daniels piece.

Longer Answer (300-500 words for each question; 20 points each)

1.  Explain how, according to Luban, Speer managed to appear less guilty by admitting his guilt.  Be sure to discuss:

            -the significance of each of the animals that Luban describes, and

-the approaches to contrived ignorance that Luban criticizes.

2.  Explain how one of the people in Press’s book demonstrates integrity according to Carter’s model. Be sure to discuss:

            -the three components of Carter’s model, and their relations to each other.

3.  The Freeh Report found it “reasonable to conclude that, in order to avoid the consequences of bad publicity, the most powerful leaders at the University … repeatedly concealed critical facts relating to Sandusky’s child abuse from the authorities.”  Use behavioral ethics to provide another possible explanation for the conduct of the University’s leadership.  (You may discuss either the leadership in general terms or focus on one or two University leaders.)  Be sure:

            – to consider the relevance of the biases and related factors discussed in the pieces by Banaji et al., and Gino et al., as well as the “grooming” tactics that Gladwell analyzes.  You need only write about the biases and related behavioral ethics concepts that are relevant to this issue.


            You must answer these questions in complete sentences.  You will primarily be graded on the degree to which you demonstrate an understanding of the texts, and respond to every part of each question.  You are encouraged to use well-chosen quotations, but you must always provide an explanation in your own words, immediately before or after the quotation.  We have included some hints for what ought to be included in a good response to the long answers.  An excellent answer will not merely mention these concepts, but will explain and apply them.

            Include parenthetical citations (source and page number) for all quotations and paraphrases—any idea that you are attributing to someone we read for class must be cited.  Double-space your answers, and write in 12-point font, Times New Roman, 1-inch margins.  Also, be sure to include your name in the header at the top of each page.  You do not need to attach a bibliography unless you cite additional sources beyond the assigned readings.

            Please submit your responses in Word or PDF format as an attachment in the appropriate Dropbox. (The appropriate Dropbox is determined by the first letter of your last name.)  Your responses should be submitted by 5pm on Friday, March 28.


Short Answer (100-125 words for each question; 10 points each):

1.  Explain why, according to Power, the United States did not intervene in Rwanda when the genocide was taking place.  Mention at least two other explanations that she rejects, and explain why she rejects them.

2.  What is “care ethics” according to Gilligan?  Contrast it with Kohlberg’s justice-based approach to moral development.

3.  How would an actor that causes some suffering for the greater good be evaluated by (a) Mill’s greatest happiness principle, as opposed to (b) Walzer’s version of the dirty hands theory?

4.  Explain the difference between identifiable and statistical victims as articulated in the Daniels piece.

Longer Answer (300-500 words for each question; 20 points each)

1.  Explain how, according to Luban, Speer managed to appear less guilty by admitting his guilt.  Be sure to discuss:

            -the significance of each of the animals that Luban describes, and

-the approaches to contrived ignorance that Luban criticizes.

2.  Explain how one of the people in Press’s book demonstrates integrity according to Carter’s model. Be sure to discuss:

            -the three components of Carter’s model, and their relations to each other.

3.  The Freeh Report found it “reasonable to conclude that, in order to avoid the consequences of bad publicity, the most powerful leaders at the University … repeatedly concealed critical facts relating to Sandusky’s child abuse from the authorities.”  Use behavioral ethics to provide another possible explanation for the conduct of the University’s leadership.  (You may discuss either the leadership in general terms or focus on one or two University leaders.)  Be sure:

            – to consider the relevance of the biases and related factors discussed in the pieces by Banaji et al., and Gino et al., as well as the “grooming” tactics that Gladwell analyzes.  You need only write about the biases and related behavioral ethics concepts that are relevant to this issue.

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