Exploring the Role of Father Involvement in the Relationship Between Day Care and Children’s Behavior Problems

Exploring the Role of Father Involvement in the Relationship Between Day Care and Children’s Behavior Problems

Paper instructions:
Please do not include a title page. Only include the research paper and Reference Page. More details on the paper and an academic article are attached as well. 5 sources please!

CHDV 115 Directions for the Position Paper Research Paper
The site of your Service Learning addresses at least one socializing agent/issue that affects
children and families. Pick one issue related to your service learning site. Research this issue
using professional academic resources (accessible through Palomar Library). Address any
debates/differing of views and give pros and cons for each side of the issue. In the conclusion
relate to your personal experiences and your recent experiences while doing the service learning.
1. Pick a socializing agent/issue affecting children/families. Preferably this topic will connect to
your Service Learning in some way. For example, if you are volunteering at Boys and Girls club
you could research mothers working outside the home. If you are volunteering for Head Start
you could research the benefits and drawbacks of child care, or the value of Head Start since it is
a federally funded program paid for with taxes (is it government money well spent?) If you are
volunteering for Casa De Amparo you could research the success of the foster care system. If
you volunteer as a mentor you might look at a more individual issue affecting a child you are
working with (should teen mothers keep their babies? Should children with ADHD be part of
special education? or should they be medicated? Should low economics be considered a risk
factor for a child’s ability to succeed in school?
2. Submit your topic for approval via email to the professor by the topic due date noted in the
syllabus. Send the email to chdvonline@cox.net and put “(Your Name), Research Paper Topic”
in the subject line. When submitting your topic it is required that you put your topic into the form
of a “yes or no” question – one that can be answered with a yes, or no. (Example: so if the broad
topic was Abortion, a topic sentence could be Should abortion be legal?)
3. Once your topic is approved, start gathering information. Use a minimum of 5 professional
academic sources (academic journal articles, texts, articles, and professional websites) to obtain
critical information to support & refute both sides. A minimum of 2 of your sources must come
from academic journal articles or from the opposing viewpoints database (accessible through
Palomar Library – Use the “Directions for Obtaining Journal Articles” document).
4. This research paper must be in APA format- typed, double-spaced, and a minimum of 7 pages
long, which includes the title page, and reference page (so 5 pages of actual writing). Structure
Your Paper as follows:
Introduce the topic that your paper will be about. Write background information on the topic;
a short history of the topic and explain any specific terminology your reader needs to know.
Very briefly introduce the two sides of the debate without giving your opinion (Make sure
your sentences are clear, accurate and grab the attention of your reader. Do not use “I”)

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Write an equal amount of arguments to support and refute the two sides of the issue. Back up
your arguments with research study information, statistics, etc. Refer to your sources and be
sure to use in-text citations. (*this makes up a large portion of the grade for this paper)
Before writing your paper, take a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle. Using
your research put all the “pros” on one side and all the “cons” on the other. Then, when you
go to write your paper, write 2 pages supporting your topic, and then change gears and write
2 pages refuting. (So if my paper was “Should abortion be legal” I would first write all the
reasons why yes it should be… to prevent illegal abortions, to reduce the number of children
in foster care, etc. Then, in the next 2 pages I would describe all the reasons why no it
should not be illegal… the fetus is a living being and it is murder, allowing abortions does
not require that people be sexually responsible etc. I would refer to research and resources
and use in-text citations to prove all my statements are true.)
ALL information must be put in your own words. Avoid using more than 2 quotes in your
paper. Stay objective throughout your paper. Do not talk directly to your reader or use
subjective words (so avoid using “I, me, you, your, us, we, etc. in the body of your paper).
Do not share your thoughts or opinions until the conclusion.
Start with a couple of sentences that summarize your paper. Give your opinion with an
explanation (this is a requirement for this assignment). Include what socializing agents in
your life you think have affected the way you think about the issue. (While you are not to use
“I” in the body of your paper, it is expected that you will use the word “I” in the conclusion).
Explain how your experiences with service learning have affected your views/knowledge on
the topic.
5. Remember, it is very important for your paper to be balanced with information from both sides
of the issue. That is one of the objectives of this assignment, for you to research and explain and
issue with an open mind. The reader should not be able to tell what side you support until your
conclusion. You may not want to pick a topic that you have very strong feelings for. For
example, if there is no way you can see any positives for abortion being legal, then that would
not be a good topic for you to pick (but you cannot pick abortion anyway).
6. Be sure that you use the APA Information and Writing Tips documents available on
Blackboard. This paper must be in APA format with a properly formatted title and reference
page. On your reference page you must have at least 5 appropriate sources listed correctly. Since
you are using multiple resources to write this paper, in-text citations are required. Also be sure to
proofread your paper as typos, spelling and grammar errors will affect your grade.
7. Email your paper to chdvonline@cox.net as an attachment in Microsoft Word (doc.). In the
subject line put “Your name, Position Paper.” One to two days after the due date you will receive
an email confirming that your paper was received. If you turned in your paper on time, make
sure to look for this email. Within one week of the due date you will receive an email with your
paper grade. It will be sent as an attachment on a grading rubric. Any items highlighted on the
rubric should help explain why you received the number of points you did on the paper. At this
time, your grade will also be posted in the “my grades” section on Blackboard.
Contact the Professor ASAP if you have any questions regarding this assignment. If you would like to
have the professor give feedback, email a rough draft of your paper at least 5 days before the due date.
Be sure to note in your email that that is your rough draft of your paper and you are requesting feedback.
(Otherwise it will be assumed that you are just turning in a final draft early.)

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