Identify the origin of the theories, their authors or developers, and the source material where you can find these theories


2 (My field is Social Psychology)

Theories and Theorists

Theory is a natural extension

of the philosophy of science, and theoretical frameworks underpin any and every

research design and study. For this assignment, you will familiarize yourself

with the main theories and theorists in your field so that you may become more

conversant in your discipline’s theoretical foundations and research


To prepare for this Application:

Review Chapters 3, 4, and 5 in

the course text, A Primer in Theory Construction.

Review Chapter 3 in the course

text, Research Design.

Using the library, and any

other resources at your disposal, discover the important theories in your

field. What are they?

Identify the origin of the

theories, their authors or developers, and the source material where you can

find these theories.

Analyze and assess the

relationship between two theories that you have found. Does one expand upon or

reference the other?

Identify at least five

“classics,” or influential works, in your discipline. Why are they

important? How much are they referenced today?

The assignment:

Craft a 4- to 5-page paper in

which you address the following instructions and questions:

o Identify two key theories in your field.

o Identify the theorist(s) and sources of the theories (key articles

or books) in your discipline.

o Describe the basic tenets of these theories.

o Analyze and assess the relationship between the two theories you

have found.

o Explain why these theories are so important to your discipline and

how they relate to the research you are interested in doing.

o Include a reference list for the five “classics” or

influential works you have found.




course Text: Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and

Mixed Methods Approaches

o Chapter 3, “The Use of Theory”

This chapter, used in both the Discussion and Application 2, first focuses on

variables and then explains the roles and uses of theory.

Course Text: A Primer in

Theory Construction

o Chapter 3, “Concepts”

o Chapter 4, “Statements”

o Chapter 5, “Forms of Theories”

These chapters, used in Application 2, work through the building blocks of



Library Online Resource:

o The SAGE Encyclopedia of Social Science Research


o The SAGE Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research


For the Discussion, you will look up the following terms in The SAGE

Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods and The SAGE Encyclopedia of

Qualitative Research Methods:



Theoretical Frameworks


Media: Research Theory,

Design, and Methods

o “Theory” (22:54)

Click here to download a

transcript of this video segment.

Dr. Patton discusses the “big picture” of theory. To view this video

program, use the media player located at the top of this page.

Research Toolkit

Course Text: A Primer in

Theory Construction

o Chapter 1, “Introduction”

o Chapter 2, “The Idea”

Course Text: Publication

Manual of the American Psychological Association

o Chapter 2, “Manuscript Structure and Content”

o Quotations, (Chapter 6 – Section 6.21)

o Reference Citations in Text, (Sections 6.22 – 6.32, Chapter 7)

Web Site: Center for Research

Support: “Office of Student Research Support”

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