Individual Case study 1

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On-line test (see study desk) 20 10 22 Augustl 2014 1
Individual Case study 1 (2000 – 2400 words) 100 45 19 September 2014
Individual Case study 2 (2000 – 2400 words) 100 45 24 October 2014
1. On-Line Test (Available from 18 August 2014 for completion by 22 August 2014
11.59pm AEST)
Assignment guidelines
Three assignments have been set to test your competence in understanding and applying the
significant concepts and material presented in this course. The purpose of the three
assessment pieces is to enable you to:
● demonstrate your understanding of the material presented in the course
● relate the material to a context that is relevant and of interest to you
● support your career development by enhancing your competence at change management.
More specifically, the assessment is aligned with the objectives of the course. These
objectives are detailed within the course specifications. You can access the course
specifications on the USQStudyDesk..
While the assessment is designed to test whether you have satisfactorily achieved these
objectives, I am also conscious of the fact that the assessment is central to your learning
experiences throughout the duration of this course. Hence, I have designed the assessment
requirements to meet the objectives of this course and to ensure that your experiences
throughout the semester are constructive and focused on what is relevant to you.
The assessments are based on a range of tasks that attempt to relate the material in both
theoretical and practical terms.
On-line quiz – 10%
Individual case study 1 – 45%
© University of Southern Queensland
2 MGT8033 – Leading organisational change
Individual case study 2 – 45%
The assessment for this course will involve an online quiz worth 10% and two case studies each worth 45%. Students must obtain a passing mark in aggregate from the three assessments to pass the course.

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This page is designed to bring together some tools to assist you in successfully completing
your assignments and may be particularly useful to students who are returning to study.
Always remember however, to read your assignment instructions very carefully as your
lecturers may require specific formats or layouts. The page details and links are shown below
for your convenience.
Academic Skills
University of New South Wales
Covers assignment writing, quotations, punctuation, exam skills, note taking, referencing,
getting organised and giving presentations.
Study Guides and Strategies
This site covers many aspects of learning – study and writing skills, project management,
evaluating web sites and more. You can choose to view the contents in any one of 30
Writing an Essay
Interactive module from Uni of Otago
‘Essay Writing with Readings – how to analyse your topic, find resources, plan and write
your essay’
Writing a Business Report
From the University of Wollongong
A guide to the purpose and layout of a business report.
How do I search the Databases?
Try the USQ Library’s Database Guides
I Need help Finding information
The USQ Library Finding Information Tutorial will provide you with the skills and tools to
find and manage information effectively. It is arranged in modules, so you can progress at
your own pace and contains demonstration and interactive exercises
How do I avoid plagiarism?
From the University of New South Wales – Try yourself out on the ‘Can you recognise
Plagiarism Exercise’
Plagiarism is taken very seriously at universities so make sure you are aware of what
constitutes plagiarism.
© University of Southern Queensland
Assessment 3
Assignment 1
Description Marks out
Wtg(%) Due date
On-line quiz 20 10 22 August 2014 (11.59pm AEST).
This assignment deals with the material covered in your text. Please see Guidelines to Online
Test on the Study Desk.
On-line quiz
Please note, the online test relates to 20 multiple choice questions based on Selected
reading 1.2 Armenakis, AA & Bedeian, A 1999, ‘Organisational change: a review of theory
and research in the 1990s ’, Journal of Management, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 293-315 and from
Chapter 2 and 3 of your text Waddell, DM, Cummings, TG Worley, CG 2014,
Organisational change: development & transformation, Asia pacific 5th edn, Cengage
Learning. Melbourne. To pass this test, you must have acquired a copy of the textbook. You
can acquire a copy of the text by contacting the USQ cooperative bookshop. Please see the
study desk in week 1 under the heading ‘ON-LINE TEST’. A ‘Guidelines for the Online
Test’ to be completed in week 5 of the course will be posted in this section. This guideline
will outline when the test must be undertaken. It will also outline the time to complete the
test once you log on to the test link. A computerised model will assess results. Please note:
your test results will be available after the ‘close-off’ date for completing the test.
© University of Southern Queensland
4 MGT8033 – Leading organisational change
Assignment 2
Description Marks
out of
Wtg(%) Due date
Individual case study 1 (write between 2000
– 2400 words)
approximately 4-5 typed pages singlespaced
100 45 19 September 2014
(11.59pm AEST).
You should write the case study in such a way that you start your answers from line 1. That
is, there is no need for large introductions that we see in essays. You should apply the
principles you have learned from lecture material/tutorials/readings that are specific to the
case study. Case study 1 answers should be written in narrative form (i.e. sentences not bullet
points), and should be 2000 words long, single spaced. Each case study should be referenced
by including these at the end of the case. More marks are gained by the quality of research
applied in practice and the overall quality of the answer.
Task/Questions for the case can be found at the conclusion of the case.
Individual Case Study 1
Problem Statement:
You need to consider how you will identify the range of issues and problems in the following
problem statement.
Lee Bineesh is a highly qualified but aggressive Singaporean CEO educated in Sydney who
has just taken over as CEO of a company we shall call VRD Industries located in Singapore.
Lee had a track record of working in fast cycle markets and achieving above average growth
in developing industries. Lee’s arrival at VRD was greeted with much initial surprise
followed by a steely resolve to change things. For over 40 years, the company manufactured
component parts for the auto industry in both Europe, GM in the US and other US
automakers. Recently, VRD has also exported to GM in China which has been identified as a
growth market. VRD operated as three product-divisional strategic business units (SBUs) all
located within the same industrial complex: 1) Automotive Parts 2) Infotainment and 3)
Electrical & Energy. Each SBU has its own Divisional General Manager with a small office
staff, a manufacturing manager, Quality Control Engineers, Process Supervisors, leading
hands and upwards of 150 staff working within each factory centre. The three SBUs shared
the normal Head Office functions of R&D, Technical, HR, Sales & Marketing, Accounting
and Warehouse and Distribution. The top management team comes from the main VRD
Head Office structure (8 senior managers). Middle management consists of about12
managers in each factory. Functional or line managers consist of another 6 managers.
Lee took over from Frank Delacy who had worked his way up in the business from the
factory and had retired at age 70. For over 30 years, Frank had a steady team of managers at
each of the SBUs including middle managers. Staff turnover was low with most managers
(functional staff included) having been with the company for over 20 years. Staff loyalty to
Frank was extremely high. Changes had been few. Despite discontinuities within the auto
industry, Frank and some senior sales staff had built up long-term relationships at Detroit
© University of Southern Queensland
Assessment 5
resulting in a fairly consistent sales growth with consistent supply contracts to Europe.
Recently, discontinuities and the relentless pace of competition from China, Taiwan and
Vietnam for component exports placed heavy pressure on VRD to compete. A new line of
managers at Detroit following the GFC and aggravated supply contracts out of Europe meant
sales had halved. This coincided with Frank’s retirement placing heavy pressure on Lee and
the top team. Lee also appointed a change manager, May Wong, to assist the divisional and
manufacturing managers to implement a change agenda. After some weeks of constant
review, Lee realised that the company was too slow in production, had old job design
methods and that conflict existed between the SBU divisional managers and their teams and
between each SBU.
The basis of the conflict related to maintaining the current processes and systems that had
held the company in good stead for many years and the type of change being imposed by
Lee. For his part, Lee wanted an agile company, highly responsive to shifting markets, a
cooperative team, and a highly efficient production process. It was no surprise then that each
divisional manager had been advised that a staff reduction of 10 per cent had to occur within
the next 6 months. This was difficult for senior management who had long-standing
friendships with lower managers and line staff dating back to the 1990s and in some cases,
the 1980s. Indeed, some factory staff had been on the same machine and processes for over
20 years. That processes needed to change and that manager’s had to “get off their backsides
and do some real work” had suddenly become the ‘new’ culture. This shocked the senior
team as they were more familiar with Frank’s easier fine-tuning and collaborative style. The
problems and issues facing VRD came to a head for Lee after May’s quite detailed
interviews and assessment of staff practices and policies. Mays exit polls consisting of
qualitative questionnaires and several focus groups revealed further issues. Warehousing and
Distribution staff accused sales and marketing of imposing unrealistic delivery estimates.
Sales and marketing accused warehousing of being ‘too slow’. Fractious lines of
communication started to appear within groups in each factory since more pressure was
being placed on divisions for more efficiency. Also, following Frank’s departure, the impact
of less capital expenditure and funds for resources appeared to create conflict between each
SBU manager competing for a decreasing slice of the pie. This led to falling morale, a clash
between managers for updating technical processes, and lower-level staff accusing managers
of ruining a perfectly good company. After 6 months of constant conflict and falling sales,
Lee asks May to also hire an outside change consultancy firm to assist the organisation deal
with its next phase of growth. Lee was struggling for control and May was being flooded
with an increasing list of day-to-day issues.
Task -required: Based on less than perfect information supplied about the VRD
problem statement, you are required to act as an external change consultant to assist
the firm to:
1. Develop a set of realistic assumptions that you can add to the issues and problems
expressed. These might typically be related to each other at: a) the organisational level,
b) the group level, c) the individual level. For instance, you might develop assumptions
about leadership, about teams at each level, about creative thinking or lack of creative
thinking, about innovation. List each assumption and discuss in a paragraph why you
have chosen this assumption. (Total 150–200 words)
2. In reference to the classic article by Larry Greiner, explain what is happening between
growth and change in VRD industries. (150–200 words)
3. May Wong advises Lee that the experiences of the company relate to incremental change
and that solutions will gradually come to be realised. Is that right? Why or why not?
Explain your answer with reference to three or more readings cited in the course
© University of Southern Queensland
6 MGT8033 – Leading organisational change
4. Why is the company finding it difficult to change given the theory-to-practice link?
(100–150 words)
5. Using the open system model outlined in your study book and text, identify the issues
(from the problem statement and from your own assumptions) by redrawing and
populating each connecting box. Complete this exercise for as many times as you see
connecting systems within (or external to) the company that is influencing change. (600–
700 words excluding boxes)
6. Evidence: From point 5, use theory to justify your selection of the open systems
identified. Here, you should use at least 7-10 separate references from the study book that
support your selections and systems’ linkages. (900–1000 words).
Note: Please use all theory based on the readings in Module 1 and 2 including your texts and
references included on the StudyDesk. Please use the Style Guide below for listing and
quoting references. More marks will be gained by students showing adequate evidence of
readings in their case answer by using theory in ways that solve the problem. Please see
marking criteria and guidelines below. Note: these marking criteria will be used to assess
your case study.
Guidelines to Case Study 1
Please note the course ‘Leading Organisational Change’ is an advanced Masters course and
requires much reading and study on your part. We expect to see evidence of your readings in
the case study answers.The main guidelines for case study 1 are stated below. In addition to
these, please note the following:
1. Please write between 2000 to 2400 words. Words in Tables and Figures are not included
in the total word count;
2. Please quote from the references for module 1 listed on page 30 of module 1 particularly
reading 1.2, 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 or 4 references in total. From module 2, chapters 5, 6, 7 & 8
of Waddell, Cummings and Worley (your text), Di Pofi (2002) or reading 2.1, Stace &
Dunphy (2001), Burke and Litwin (1992), and Harvey and Brown (2005).For Module 2,
you need to refer to at least these eight (8) readings. Since case study 1 is addressing
systems issues, please pay particular attention to Chapters 5 and 6 of your text Waddell,
Cummings and Worley. Please also note the following references that are specific to case
study 1 which are included throughout module 1 of your study book
a. Greiner (1972)
b. Tushman & O’Reilly (1996),
c. Gersick (1991),
d. Brown & Eisenhardt (1997),
e. Murray & Donegan (2003),
3. To reflect a minimum of readings expected at this level, please quote and use a
minimum of at least 12 references from the ones listed above. You should use these
references in ways that inform and assist the case problem related to VRD industries.
Case study assessment criteria can be found below. Good luck with your case study and
I’m looking forward to reading it.
© University of Southern Queensland
Assessment 7
Assignment 2 – Case study 1 Marking criteria sheet
Extensive <—-> Minor level of evidence
Mark Criteria 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Your
1 10 Quality of assumptions linked
at different levels
2 10 Interplay between growth and
3 10 May Wong’s statement and
4 10 Theory-to-practice link
5 20 Open systems approach
across levels
6 25
Evidence: Discussion of
theory linked to open systems
and change
Communication aspects of
your presentation
7 5 Referencing (if applicable)
8 5 Writing clarity
9 5
Tertiary standard: does your
analysis reach a high standard
of research?
© University of Southern Queensland
8 MGT8033 – Leading organisational change
Assignment 3
Description Marks out of Wtg(%) Due date
Individual case study 2 (write
between 2000 – 2400 words)
100 45 Friday 24 October 2014
(11.59pm AEST)
You should write the case study in such a way that you start your answers from line 1. That
is, there is no need for large introductions that we see in essays. You should apply the
principles you have learned from lecture material/tutorials/readings that are specific to the
case study. Case study 2 answers should be written in narrative form (i.e. sentences not bullet
Individual Case Study 2
Use the VRD Industries case information from Case Study 1.
Required: Based on your analysis of VRD Industries in Case Study 1, you are now
required to continue the external change consultancy role. Case study 2 requires you to
implement change intervention models to solve the company’s range of change issues.
Use the same list of issues and problems and assumptions from Case Study 1. However,
if needed, add additional relationship and behavioural assumptions based on less than
perfect information as follows:
1. Intervention 1: Use the ideas presented on P191-210201. Be creative. Design an
intervention based on organizational learning to solve the problems of VRD (400-500
words). Justify why the intervention will be useful and how it will work. Note: You may
also use the process interventions in Chapter 7 of your text if it relates to organizational
2. Intervention 2: Use the team building process intervention on P240. Justify why the
intervention will be useful and how it will work (300-500 words)
3. Intervention 3: Use the integrated strategic change intervention in Chapter 9 of your text.
Justify why the intervention will be useful and how it will work (400-500 words).
4. In relation to intervention number 2, design a team building survey similar to (but not the
same as) Table 7.2, page 241-242 in your text. Your survey should be related to the facts
in the case. Include the survey as a Table(s) in text. Then explain in 400-500 words why
you have chosen the variables in the survey.
5. Evidence: From the information relating to intervention 1, 2 and 3, use 7-10 separate
references from the study book that support your selections of interventions and why you
used them (900-1000 words). How can theory here be used as evidence to support your
© University of Southern Queensland
Assessment 9
Guidelines to Case Study 2
Required: Based on your analysis of VRD Industries in Case Study 1, you are now required
to continue the external change consultancy role. Case study 2 requires you to implement
change intervention models to solve the company’s range of change issues. Use the same list
of issues and problems and assumptions from Case Study 1. However, if needed, add
additional relationship and behavioural assumptions based on less than perfect information
as follows:
A. Intervention 1: This intervention is asking you to be creative in choosing an
organisational learning technique to get people to work more cooperatively and yet more
creatively. For instance, if you used a ladder of inference, how would this work and how
would it help to solve the issues in VRD? Please quote from some classical articles in
this field such as Espedal, B. (2008), Murray, P (2002), Argyris, C (1993)
B. Intervention 2: Use the team building process intervention. Describe and explain why
this process will be useful and how it can be implemented within VRD given the facts in
the case. For the team building exercise, use the intervention techniques explained on
P240 through 242 of Waddell et al. Try to use team skills or behaviours that seem
applicable for VRD, not what is in the text. Use the text table structure however as a
basis to build and describe your team building process intervention. Please use and quote
relevant theoretical points from at least the following readings in your Module books
including Bulla, R. Bell, C. (1986), Murray, P. Millett, B. (2011), Kirkman, B.L., &
Rosen, B.( 2000).
C. Intervention 3: Use the integrated strategic change intervention explained on P311
through 314 of Waddell et al. Please note that this intervention is not asking you to do a
Strategic Plan as in Strategic Management. Rather, it is focused on developing an
Integrated Strategic Change Process. Please use and quote relevant theoretical points
from at least the following readings: Cummings, TG 1997, Greiner, L. Bhambri, A.
D. In relation to intervention number 2, design a team building survey similar to (but not the
same as) Table 7.2, page 241-242 in your text. Here, have a closer look at the problems
and issues in the case. Now if you were May or Lee, what things would you like to see in
your team? (e.g. innovative thinking).
E. Evidence: This is very explicit in Point 5 above. There are enough references listed
above for you to demonstrate how theory is linked to practice.
Good luck with Case Study 2 and I look forward to reading it!
© University of Southern Queensland
10 MGT8033 – Leading organisational change
Assignment 3 – Case study 2 Marking Criteria Sheet
Extensive <—-> Minor level of evidence
Mark Criteria 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Your
1 15
Intervention 1: Quality of
organisationl learning
2 15 Intervention 2: Quality of
team building intervention
3 15
Intervention 3: Quality of
integrated strategic change
4 15 Team building survey design
5 15 Evidence: Clear use of
recommended references
6 5
Quantity of your research –
did you collect enough
information and write enough
to explain the problem and its

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The overall structure and
logical development of your
case report
7 Communication aspects of
your presentation
8 5 Referencing (if applicable)
9 10 Writing clarity
Tertiary standard: does your
analysis reach a high standard
of research?
© University of Southern Queensland
Assessment 11
Guidelines for late Assignments
Please note that unless prior arrangements are made with your lecturer/tutor, all assignments
are due to be uploaded onto EASE on the study desk by the due date. Due to fairness and
equity for all other students who submit their assignments on time, if a student submits an
assignment after the due date without (prior) approval of the examiner then a penalty of 5%
of the total marks gained by the student for the assignment may apply for each working day
late up to ten working days at which time a mark of zero may be recorded.
If you require an extension for a legitimate reason (e.g. ill health, personal circumstances not
including work commitments, or for some other critical reason), please seek an extension on
or before the due date by writing to the course examiner listed earlier.
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