Introduction to Sociology

1. Are the terms racism and prejudice interchangeable? How are these terms related to stereotypes? How are these terms related to discrimination?

2. Compare and contrast Sutherland’s differential association theory, Hirschi’s control theory, and the medicalization of deviance perspective.

3. Differentiate between sex and gender. In this context, discuss the different ways in which boys and girls learn gender roles in the United States. How significant are these differences?

Part B – Short Answers: Answer each of the following questions in 1 – 4 complete sentences. Each question is worth 4 points.

1. What are peer groups, and when do they become important to a person’s social development? With respect to socialization, what do family, schools, and peer groups have in common?

2. Briefly characterize Robert Merton’s strain theory of deviance. Define and differentiate innovative deviance and rebellion, offering simple examples.

3. How does Karl Mark define the concept of alienation?

4. In the view of Robert Merton, what is a social dysfunction? How is the manifest function different from a latent function?

5. Why did Jonathan Kozol see tracking as representing “savage inequality” in public schools?

6. What is the difference between horticulture and pastoralism? With respect to the evolution of social complexity, what do they have in common?

7. Briefly summarize the “Malthusian theory” of Thomas Malthus.

8. Who devised the concept of a primary group? How did this individual define such a group? Provide simple examples.

9. Summarize the three distinctive characteristics of Capitalism.

10. How are inter sexual people different from transsexual people?

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