Assignment Description
Students are required to complete 2 parts to this assignment
You are required to individually choose a case study from practice, which relates to inter-professional dilemmas when working with service users.
• You are then asked to prepare (but not present) a presentation on the above.
• The written supporting submission (1000 words) is a reflective account
• You are then asked to prepare (but not present) a presentation on the above.
• The written supporting submission (1000 words) is a reflective account
Part 1 – Prepare an Individual presentation in PowerPoint format.
Students will be required to produce a visual presentation (with supporting text). The presentation will relate to inter-professional dilemmas when working with service users.
This will be based upon linking theoretical knowledge gained from academic sources, to your practical employment or placement within the community health setting.
Students will be required to produce a visual presentation (with supporting text). The presentation will relate to inter-professional dilemmas when working with service users.
This will be based upon linking theoretical knowledge gained from academic sources, to your practical employment or placement within the community health setting.
It will be important that both theoretical understanding and practical skills are processed during private study times. The integration of practice and critical theoretical understanding underpins the module.Click Here To Get More On This Paper!!!!
Guidance on Assignment Presentation
You are required to work individually and select a relevant case study situation that meets the assignment description i.e. the following are examples
• Identify and discuss possible conflicts and tensions between the priorities emerging when dealing with specific individuals, and wider social or professional aims
• Explore how theories of Leadership in Inter professional Teams can be applied practically in the community setting.
• Demonstrate core communication and relationship skills in group work.
• Effectively utilise internal and external IT resources to access various sources of information, such as online journals, databases, websites etc.
Your written submission to support the prepared presentation should be:
1000 words Personal Reflective account based on the Practice Based Case Study and the following;
• Identify and discuss possible conflicts and tensions between the priorities emerging when dealing with specific individuals, and wider social or professional aims – How does the chosen case study demonstrate this?
Your written submission to support the prepared presentation should be:
1000 words Personal Reflective account based on the Practice Based Case Study and the following;
• Identify and discuss possible conflicts and tensions between the priorities emerging when dealing with specific individuals, and wider social or professional aims – How does the chosen case study demonstrate this?
• Explore how theories of Leadership in Inter professional Teams can be applied practically in the community setting. How have you reflected on and linked theory to practice?Click Here To Get More On This Paper!!!!
• Demonstrate core communication and relationship skills in group work.
Think about working in groups and teams and utilise the resources studied on this module to reflect on your experience of team working in your placement/practice.
Think about working in groups and teams and utilise the resources studied on this module to reflect on your experience of team working in your placement/practice.
• Effectively utilise internal and external IT resources to access various sources of information, such as online journals, databases, websites etc. Reflect upon how your recently developed IT skills have supported you in this assignment and discuss the sources of information.
• Demonstrative of engagement in the supportive written text.
• Demonstrative of engagement in the supportive written text.
Please remember that when referring to any given situation in the work place such as a case study, it is essential the confidentiality is maintained
Learning Outcomes Addressed
Learning Outcomes Addressed
On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
1) Engage in debates about the relationship between ethical considerations and other imperatives generated by different professional values and perspectives when working with service users.
2) Demonstrate an ability to reflect on their own values and priorities in light of the issues raised on the module.
3) Demonstrate an awareness of how inter-professional teams are perceived by a range of service users.
1) Engage in debates about the relationship between ethical considerations and other imperatives generated by different professional values and perspectives when working with service users.
2) Demonstrate an ability to reflect on their own values and priorities in light of the issues raised on the module.
3) Demonstrate an awareness of how inter-professional teams are perceived by a range of service users.