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Requirements: A polished final draft of at least 1250 words in MLA format—appropriate title, 1 in margins, Heading, header with page numbers, works cited page, in-text citations, 12 point Times New Roman font, and at least two documented secondary academic sources.

Purpose: To conduct and report original research on an identity-based question and to construct an original argument based on an identity-related issue or question.
Learning Objectives:

  • Communicate effectively

  • Demonstrate rhetorical knowledge

  • Engage in critical thinking, reading and writing

  • Employ audience-appropriate voice, mechanics and organizational conventions

  • Develop an effective composing process

  • Collaborate during the writing process

  • Adapt composing processes to electronic environments

  • Use appropriate conventions for format, documentation, and editing

The Assignment: For this assignment, you will choose an identity-related area of inquiry and then identify and select two secondary sources that answer a question or demonstrate an idea about your topic. Once you have identified your issue and secondary sources, you will write a formal proposal that summarizes your question, initial thesis, and how you think your sources will help you argue or answer your point. Finally, for this assignment you should use all the skills of rhetorical analysis, critical thinking, and effective communication that you have learned in this course to construct an original research-based argument.

Review the course readings and your own writing on the topic of identity and consider other identity-related issues (this includes issues related but not limited to: stereotypes, discrimination, adversity, language-learning, religion, lifestyle, gender etc…) that we have not explored in class. Present a list of five possible areas to explore and then choose two secondary sources that you think will help you explain or argue your question.
Your short proposal should follow the strategies for proposals covered in class, introduce your thesis and describe how the two secondary sources relate to your thesis. Your proposal should also outline the development, organization, and rhetorical strategies you plan to use for this project.
Audience: As a college writer, you are learning to participate in an academic conversation as a scholar. For this project, think of your primary audience as scholars like the ones who have written the pieces you’ve read in your research. For your secondary audience, think of your classmates who are learning, like you, to write and read academic arguments.
Writing Processes:

  • Reading and discussing essays pieces from the class text

  • Completing prewriting and planning activities for your own draft

  • Creating a first draft of your project

  • Getting and giving feedback on drafts

  • Revising your project

  • Demonstrating appropriate design and format

  • Editing your project for clarity in terms of grammar, mechanics, etc.

  • Reflecting on and assessing your work

Proposal Draft: You will draft you proposal in class on Wednesday, October 30th.

Revised Proposal: Your revised proposal is due on Monday, November 4th. At this point, you cannot change your topic.

First Draft: Your completed first draft is due in class for peer review on Wednesday, November 13th. Please bring five hard copies of your draft to class with you.

Final Draft: You will revise your first draft and submit a hardcopyof your polished final draft at the beginning of class on Wednesday, November 20th. Your Final Draft will receive a tentative Draft Grade. A Revised Final Draft is due one week after you receive your Draft Grade. If you do not submit a Revised Final Draft, your Draft Grade will become your final grade for Writing Project 4.

Assessment: Please see the English 1100 Rubric for a detailed look at how I’ll be evaluating your work. I will be paying careful attention to the following assessment criteria:

·         Clear and consistent voice, focus, and organizing structure

·         Analysis of the rhetorical situation associated with both texts

·         Appropriate introduction and discussion of summary, paraphrase and quotations from the texts

·         Appropriate citation format for all texts

·         Minimum length, format and documentation requirements

·         Demonstrate an effective organizational strategy

·         Demonstrate effective sentence and paragraph structure

·         Be free from distracting word choice, usage, spelling and proofreading errors

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