A Problem ExistsRegulations for child welfare are an important piece in changing the future of today’s society. It is ultimately the responsibility of parents to take care of their children. Unfortunately, due to social and economic circumstances, the government has to step in and provide the care and support a child needs. It may seem unfair to the parents that are doing the right thing by giving their children all they need, socially and financially. It is also unfair to see a need and no one take action to correct it. Children are the future. They will grow up to be responsible, taxpaying citizens. They are the future leaders of our society. Even in their youth, they have an important role as to maintaining a community where one can work live and play peacefully. Today’s and tomorrow’s society will be better with more responsible parents and changes in the welfare system.Child welfare is primarily a federal responsibility once a need is presented. The task of adhering to this responsibility lies in the arms of the State. Each state has their own programs that divide the job of protecting children at all levels of government. There are programs at the state agencies, county agencies and local agencies all with the same goal in mind, to protect and enhance the lives of all children. Parents are the people that are responsible for the children they bring into the world. In a perfect world, people would not have children until they are socially, emotionally and financially able to do so. They would prepare themselves for child bearing by making sure they were physically able to. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, making the right choices when eating, exercising and caring for the entire body inside and out is a great start when it comes to beginning a family and bearing children. It is very important to know if there is a history of family illnesses as well as protecting oneself from many communicable illnesses and diseases. Socially, being well…
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