Physiological Psychology

Popular press article summary and critique These assignments require that you summarize a popular press article relating to Physiological Psychology. Do not quote the article ? use your own words to explain it.
Popular press article summary and critique These assignments require that you summarize a popular press article relating to Physiological Psychology. Do not quote the article ? use your own words to explain it. ? Find a recent popular press article (Time, Newsweek, Star-Ledger, etc., published in 2005 or later ? an electronic version is fine) relating to Physiological Psychology. Attach a copy of the article to the assignment. ? Summarize the article. ? Why did you choose the article? (That is, you probably found it interesting, but why?) ? How does the article relate to topics we?ve covered in class? ? Based on the class notes and text, how accurate is the article in its explanation of Physiological Psychology topics?
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