Read Pope John Paul’s “The Principle of the Common Good” in your English 100 reader (pages 118-120). Write a one page response regarding where you see (or don’t see) the common good philosophy working in your own life. It could be in your family, circle of friends, school, workplace, the government, community, etc. Submit by Friday at 5 p.m. for credit.
reading assignment
please write about how González understands the notion of dogma/dogmatics and how he proposes to “reinvent dogmatics.” Please use two brief examples to illustrate your answer, especially how he attempts to navigate the differences between Catholic and Protestant Christianity.
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Reading Assignment
one page and half due in 3 hours and half
Less Is More: Sustainable Packaging at McDonald’s | Sustainability | McDonald’s
Application Assignment: As we continue the issue of sustainability, please view the video before writing your evaluation of the efforts at McDonald’s to help protect the environment through their packaging measures. is another video of a proposed sustainable packaging solution that you may choose to discuss as an alternate to the McDonald’s issue. Please place your Word document onto the Discussion Board under Application Assignment #5 as a link for space reasons where others can read it and comment as you will do with their papers.
Reading Assignment: Earthcare Chapter 2 – Read the included in pages 71-82. Continue to analyze your own system of ethics in light of this reading. Choose one of the following to think about: 1. Compare/contrast the environmental worldviews of any two of the religious views in this chapter. 2. Make an argument for the environmental worldview of one of the religions here (other than your own). 3. Make an argument that your own environmental worldview is correct (outside sources must be used in this argument). Post your thoughts to the Discussion Board under Reading Assignment #5.