Religion and Theology

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Everything Lives in God
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Discuss whether you agree or disagree with the concepts discussed in the article. Explain your response.
The article
Hildegard of Bingen
Everything Lives in God
Your eyes are not strong enough to look at God. Your mind is not strong enough
to comprehend his mysteries. You can only see and know what God allows. Yet in your
desire to see and know more, you engage in all manner of foolish speculations, which
cause your soul to stagger. Just as water is absorbed y the heat of a burning forge, so your
soul is absorbed by the restlessness of your thoughts, as you try to grasp what is beyond
your grasp.
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The Word of God regulates the movements of the sun, the moon and the stars.
The Word of God gives the light which shines from the heavenly bodies. He makes the
wind blow, the rivers run and the rain fall. He makes trees burst into blossom, and the
crops bring forth the harvest.
The sky above us imitates God. Just as the sky has no beginning and no end, so
God has no beginning and end. Just as the stars sparkle, so spiritual stars emanate from
the throne of God, to sparkle within people’s souls.
The Word of God spoke, and brought all creatures into being, God and his Word
are one. As the Word spoke, so God’s eternal will was fulfilled. The echo of the Word
awakened life from inanimate dust.
When the Word of God spoke at the moment of creation, his sound was implanted
in every creature, and gave life to every creature.
The love of God is symbolized by a leaping fountain. All who come near to it are
showered by its sparkling waters. And they can see their own image in the pool below.
Everything lives in God, and hence nothing can truly die, since God is life itself.
God is the wisdom that brought all things into being. He breathes life into all things.
In all creation—in trees, plants, animals, and stones—there are hidden secret
powers which no one can discern unless they are revealed by God.

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