Role of the Family

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The importance of families cannot be overstated in dealing with children with exceptionalities. Despite the high incidence of exceptionalities such as learning disabilities and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, families often feel isolated and experience significant stress.

Using the module readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research the roles of families and the positive and negative impact children with disabilities can have on the family.

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Be sure to review the following article from the readings for this module:

  • Dyson, L. (2010). Unanticipated effects of children with learning disabilities on their families. Learning Disability Quarterly, 33, 43–55. (EBSCO AN: 48842496ssignment 2: Role of the Family

    The importance of families cannot be overstated in dealing with children with exceptionalities. Despite the high incidence of exceptionalities such as learning disabilities and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, families often feel isolated and experience significant stress.

    Using the module readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research the roles of families and the positive and negative impact children with disabilities can have on the family.

    Be sure to review the following article from the readings for this module:

    Based on your research, address the following:

    • Provide a brief overview of the main points of the article.
    • Describe at least two things you learned from the article.
    • Describe the potential challenges and benefits for families who have one or more children with exceptionalities.
    • Evaluate the influence of the cultural background of children with high-incidence exceptionalities (such as learning disabilities) on how they are approached by the following:
      • Their families
      • Their schools
      • Their communities
    • Describe the ecocultural perspective. Based on your readings, describe supports or interventions you would recommend from this perspective. Be sure to address families, schools, and communities.

    Write a 3–5-page

Based on your research, address the following:

  • Provide a brief overview of the main points of the article.
  • Describe at least two things you learned from the article.
  • Describe the potential challenges and benefits for families who have one or more children with exceptionalities.
  • Evaluate the influence of the cultural background of children with high-incidence exceptionalities (such as learning disabilities) on how they are approached by the following:
    • Their families
    • Their schools
    • Their communities
  • Describe the ecocultural perspective. Based on your readings, describe supports or interventions you would recommend from this perspective. Be sure to address families, schools, and communities.

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