Science Meets Real Life

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Whether you think of yourself as an up and coming scientist ornot, you use science every day. You will explore how you applydifferent aspects of science in your daily life in a two partproject. In 1,500-words (minimum), discuss the following:


Each and every day, we are faced with having to make split-seconddecisions, and the need to solve random problems that we encounter.To reach those decisions and work those problems out you aresubconsciously using the scientific method. Apply the five steps ofthe Scientific Method to two situations that could occur in youreveryday life. Use the scientific method in the first scenarioprovided below to solve the problem at hand. Please come up with asecond detailed scenario on your own and follow the same steps inthe scientific method to find a resolution.

Scenario 1: You arrive home late at night. You walk up to the frontdoor, unlock it, and reach in to turn on the light switch locatedjust inside the front door. The light does not come on! Nowwhat?

Scenario 2: Develop your own detailed problem/observation and applythe scientific method to solve.


As you have seen throughout this course, science is intricatelyinterwoven with our lives: in the food we eat, in the clothes wewear, in the computers we use for this course, science has had ahand in them all. Answer the following questions:

Describe a typical day in your life from the time you wake up,until the time you go to bed. Describe how science impacts you andyour routine throughout the day.
How has science improved your quality of life and why?
Are there any negative impacts that science has had? What are theyand why?
Do you believe that you could survive without science? Why or whynot?
How has this course impacted the way you view science?
Your final project should be a minimum of 1,500-words written inAPA style format. As always, be sure to provide appropriatecitations, references, and links to any information you use in thispaper. Be sure to also avoid copying and pasting large sections oftext from any given source. For help with citations, refer to theAPA Quick Reference.”

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