Strike weapon versus arbitration, a comparison of both with the pros and cons

which tactic you think is the best option in the event of stalled negotiations. You are expected to go beyond the text with your research. The grading for this 20 mark essay is as follows:
-research-20%- the depth and breadth of your research on this topic, including sources beyond the text.
-presentation- 25%- how well your paper is presented and how easy it is to read. (required presentation elements include a cover page, table of contents, page numbers, headings for each topic in the main body of your paper, a bibliography)
-content-30%- the quality of your analysis of each tactic and how well you present facts and your views.
-final position and supporting rationale- 25%- your final position on the best tactic/option here and how well you support/defend your position.

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