Supreme Court case.

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Supreme Court case.
introduce the Supreme Court Case (no longer that ½ page)

3. Background –discuss the issues surrounding the case, why the case was before the Court, whatstatute/law or constitutional amendment is being challenged, and how the case reached the Supreme Court (no longer than 1 page).

4. Discuss the Supreme Court case –explain the outcome of the case, its significance, rationale ofthe Court’s decision, ideology of the Court as a whole and ideology of individual Supreme

Court judges. Also discuss the type of decision rendered by the Court (e.g. majority, minority, concurring, dissenting decisions, etc.).
5. Landmark, Precedent, or Stare Decisis–explain the implications of your case. Each studentshould discuss their court case in the light of whether the case is landmark, precedent, or stare decisis or a combination of the three.

6. Conclusion – wrap up your paper and discuss the future implications for the Court’s decision.

7. Reference Page –List of all references used in the paper.

Pick any court case from below, you have to work on just one particular case, and it’s up to you
Which one you feel more comfortable to work with just choose it.

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#. This essay requires one separate reference page on APA format.


a. #. Government, Law, History, and Political Science Journals

b. Lexis-Nexis Academic, Academic Search Complete, JSTOR, Legal Collection databases, and Gale Encyclopedia

c. Legal textbooks & course textbook


e. The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law

Supreme Court Cases:
1. Buckley v. Valeo(1976)–The Court ruled that money spent by an individual or political committee insupport or opposition of a candidate (but independent of the candidate’s campaign) was a form of symbolic speech, and therefore could not be limited under the First Amendment.

2. Clinton v. City of New York (1998)–The Court ruled that the line-item veto was unconstitutionalbecause it gave powers to the president denied him by the U.S. Constitution.

3. Engel v. Vitale (1962)–The Court ruled that the recitation in public classrooms of a nondenominationalprayer was unconstitutional and a violation of establishment clause.

4. Grutter v. Bollinger (2003)–The Court voted to uphold the constitutionality of the University of

Michigan law school’s affirmative action policy, which gave preference to minority students.

5. Hamdi et al v. Rumsfeld (2004)–The government does not have the authority to detain a U.S. citizencharged as an enemy combatant in the war on terrorism without providing basic due process protections under the Fifth Amendment.

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