Team: Executive Committee Presentation

Click on the assignment Link Below:

Name of Assignment:  Executive Committee Presentation

Click on the Virtual Organization link (above) located on the student website (has been performed above)

Click the Healthcare tab, then click the Patton-Fuller Community Hospital link and locate the following information:

  • The Chief Compliance Officer –Compliance Issues files
  • Under the Chief Compliance Officer link – Director of QA/Risk
  • Management – Review all Incident Reports


Prepare a 12- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes for the executive committee of the hospital that includes the following information:

  1. Introduction: Oshonj – my section
  1. HIPAA (1996) compliance
  1. Explain how you will respond to the situation in a way that meets
  1. HIPAA (1996) privacy, security, and HITECH (2009) breach notice requirements.
  1. Explain the ethical issues that relate to this situation.
  1. Explain how you will follow-up with employees involved in the breach.
  1. Recommend changes to ensure data security and privacy compliance under HIPAA (1996).
  1. Medical error (Incident Reports)
  1. Explain how you would respond to the medical error to reduceliability.
  1. Explain the ethical issues that arise in this situation.Click here to place an order  for a similar  paper  and have exceptional work done by our team and get A+results
  1. Explain how you would respond to Joint Commission concerns.
  1. Recommend a quality improvement strategy to reduce medical error.
  1. Include at least four references
  1. 14.  Conclusion:  Oshonj – my section

The attached ppt is what my temmates have done.  My part is to only add introduciton and conclusion – this has to be perfect with speaker notes.

Thank you


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