The depictions resemble dynastic leaders. Europeanman

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ners and customs


meticulous detailwith which knowledge in Inca society
was stored on




Guaman PomasNew Chronicle isan instance ofwhat I have proposed to call an autoethnographic which I text, by mean a textin which people undertake todescribe them


in the oral memories

of elders.

munity. Their reception is thus highly indeterminate. a Such texts oftenconstitute marginalizedgroups point of into the dominant circuits of print culture. It is entry dimensions,which in

biography in itsautoethnographic
some respects interesting to think, for example, of American slave auto


the speakers



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are those havemade of them. Thus ifethnographictexts
in which

in ways

that engage




The conceptmight help explain graphical tradition. why some of the earliestpublished took Chicanas writing by the form of folkloricmanners and customs sketches written inEnglish and

published in English-language newspapers or folklore magazines (seeTreviiio). Auto
ethnographic collaborations representation between people, often involves concrete literate ex as between


it from Euramerican


themselvestheir others (usually theirconquered others), toor indialoguewith definedothersconstructin response
texts are not, then, what Autoethnographic are as autochthonous of forms of expres usually thought sion or the Andean (as self-representation quipus were). those of idioms of the metropolis to

create or the con texts. autoethnographic texts are representations that the so






or betweenGuaman slavesand abolitionist intellectuals,

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Poma Often, and the Inca elders who Poma, were his informants. than one as in Guaman it involves more

Rather they involve a selective collaboration with and tovarying These aremerged or infiltrated queror. degrees
with idioms indigenous to intervene in intended self-representations modes of under metropolitan to works are often addressed appropriation

language. and resistance temporary account

In recent decades have


critique, autoethnography, in a con with reconnected writing of the contact zone, the testimonio.

Guaman PomasNew Chronicleendswith a revisionist
of the

standing. Autoethnographic

shouldhave been a peaceful encounterof equalswith the mindless greed both, but for the potential forbenefiting of the Spanish. He parodies Spanish history.Following
contact with the Incas, he writes,




heargues,was a great commotion. All day and at night in their dreams the

“In all Castille,

there kite plata, oro, platadel Piru’” (“Indies, Indies, gold, silver, gold, silverfromPeru”) (fig.2). The Spanish, he writes, brought nothing of value to sharewith theAndeans,

nothing Spaniards were saying ‘Yndias,yndias,

oro y plata, yndias, a lasYndias, Piru” (“with the lustfor gold, silver,gold and silver, Indies, the Indies, Peru”) words as an example of a conquered (372). I quote these
subject using the conquerors oppositional to construct language of the conquerors representation a

“but armor and guns con la codicia

de oro, plata,own speech.Guaman Poma mirrorsback to the Spanish (in their language,which is alien to him) an image of
surely recognize. ing, and Such are the dynamics of language, writ in contact zones.

parodic,themselves that theyoften suppress and will therefore representation

Fig. 2. Conquista. Meeting of Spaniard and Inca. The Inca says inQuechua, “You eat this gold?” Spaniard replies in Spanish, “We eat this gold.”

the Andean regionwith a passionate denunciation of Spanish exploitation and abuse. (These, at the timehe was writing, were decimating thepopulation of the j^ndes at a genocidal rate. In

fact,the potential lossof the labor
force became a main cause for reform

The second halfof the epistlecontinues thecritique. It is titled Buen gobierno y justicia ‘Good Government and a descriptionof colonial society in and combines Justice’

Guaman Pomas most implacablehostility is invokedby

of the system.)

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