The effect of EDPA and FDPA on students’ final examination results

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The effect of EDPA and FDPA on students’ final examination results

I did an experiment to find out which of the two types of drill and practice applications that I developed (EDPA and FDPA) helped university students achieve better final examination results.

Hypothesis: Something about EDPA is better than FDPA

EDPA stands for editable drill and practice application, while FDPA is fixed drill and practice application. Both applications are offline types, built for Windows based computers and can even run from a pen drive. The main difference between the two is EDPA had no pre-inserted items but requires students to enter their own questions and answers while FDPA had pre-inserted items but no item editing features.

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The experiment involved 151 students from 2 classes of the Cognitive Sciences and Ethics course in Universiti Utara Malaysia for the duration of 1 semester (September 2013 to December 2013). The course was chosen because it usually comprise of students from different programs and semesters and taught by the same lecturer. The lecturer of the course agreed to try out the applications.

The first class with 75 students was given EDPA. Second class with 76 students was given FDPA.

Students were asked to use the applications as an assignment. Each student must perform drills using the given application at least 2 times a week for each topic covered in class. They will need to print a weekly report that can be generated from the application that can prove they used the application as requested. Failure in submitting the weekly report or using the application less than 2 times a week will result in a deduction of course marks. EDPA students must ensure that most of the important facts in each topic were covered in their items.

Finally, the final examination results consisting of 100 MCQ items for both groups were compared.

In short, besides the article using info above I would like you to:
-Come up with a topic for the article
-Use the experiment data given to report results, discussions and conclusion
-Use the screenshots given
-From the 15 sources (books or journal articles only), need at least 3 similar/related study from anywhere since 2012 -2014 (the later the better)
Question Manager ELIE
Course: SGDN1043 Sains Pemikiran dan Etika
Topic: Pengenalan Falsafah, Pemikiran dan Etika v

1 Falsafah berkisartentang tiga ilmu hakikat utama ia… 1.Hakikat alam 4
2 Berikan pengertian falsafah menurut 1) Kamus Dew… Kamus Dewan mengatakan falsafah merupakan pengetahua… 6
3 Berikan pengertian pemikiran Pemikiran bermaksud menggunakan akal untuk membuat a… 1
4 Berikan pengertian etika Ukuran atau piawaian yang digunakan untuk membezakan 1
5 Apakah perbezaan antara moral dan etika? Etika Iebih bersifat teori yang masih boleh dipertikaikan, ma… 2
Course: SGDN1043 Sains Pemikiran dan Etika
Topic: Pengenalan Falsafah, Pemikiran dan Etika
Time left: 9 minutes 36 seconds
No: 2 I 5
Qt-Ie5ti°l’I= !Apakah hubungan antara falsafah, pemikiran dan etika?

Answer: Pemikiran adalah penggunaan aka! untuk berfikirtentang persoalan kehidupan manusia.
Sekiranya pemikiran itu dilakukan dengan sistematik, maka pemikiran itu telah menjadi
pemikiran falsafah. Sekiranya pemikiran falsafah itu mempengaruhi perlakuan seseorang
maka perkara itu telah menjadi pemikiran etika.

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