The House on Mango Street, The Things They Carried, Brave New World, The Handmaid’s Tale, and Slaughter House Five

2 short poems/ 1 short story

Order Description

•    Pick one of the books listed on the syllabus (The House on Mango Street, The Things They Carried, Brave New World, The Handmaid’s Tale, and Slaughter House Five)
•    Research the books first to make sure you pick the one you have the best chance of enjoying.
•    Write 500 words on the book, focusing specifically on your opinion.  Did you like it?  Why or why not?  Did you connect to it in anyway?  Did you learn anything?
•    Complete a creative project inspired by the book.  This can be a short story, a video, a series of poems, a series of photographs, a painting (that last one’s a bit hard to submit online, so you can either take a picture of yourself with it and email it to me, or you can drop it off in the mailbox room at the PC campus), or anything else you can think of.

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