the sixties by terry Anderson

the sixties by terry Anderson


Your overall objective is to master the major themes in The Sixties by Terry Anderson. This will require a full reading of the book and some good old fashion “thinking.” Please appreciate that this is not a research paper, hence, you do NOT need to consult or cite outside sources. However, I do expect carefully selected points from the book to demonstrate that you read it. Again, criticize the book using solely evidence from the book and cite the evidence appropriately. The physical aspect of this critique, and to measure your Student Learning Outcome, must follow the parameters below:

Grammar and Syntax

1. Please follow MLA format: double-space, times roman, 12 font, 1 inch margins, 1800 to 2000 word count.
2. Organization is imperative: Introduction, body, conclusion
3. Ensure transitional lines between paragraphs
4. At all cost avoid the “passive voice”—limit the use of “is, are, was, were, should, could, would, have, had, has.
5. Avoid first-person singular—limit the use of “I”
6. Avoid the negative-voice—“I didn’t like this or that”
7. Avoid generalizations—be specific and provide evidence from the readings (don’t forget to cite it!)

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8. Use a thesaurus (or dictionary) to expand your vocabulary (e.g. instead of “happy,” use “elated” or “estatic.”)
9. Although not mandatory, I would be more than glad to review a “final rough draft” if it is
submitted in a timely manner via email and properly formatted in Microsoft Word.

10. Read Elements of Style by Strunk and White to improve any stylistic challenges.

11. I will expect a professionally written critique.

12. All papers must indicate their word count on the first page and next to your name.

13. All final papers will be emailed to me

Substantive and Grading Rubric

1. +10 points: Provide an overall summary of the book including its major themes. This can be accomplished in less than one page and please do NOT include your precis in this section. Again, your first page should be a summary of the whole book.

2. +10 points: After you summarize the book, then identify at least two themes you will discuss. Again, you must identify two (2) themes!

3. +60 points: Once you summarize the book and identified your two themes, then provide a critical analysis on your selected themes. Please appreciate that this section constitutes the bulk of your paper. Now, what constitutes a critical analysis? By this I do not mean whether you like or dislike the author’s objectives. You need to provide aggressive critical analysis supported by the evidence from the reading. Your critique must be thoughtful and nicely organized. Remember that there are no right or wrong responses, but you will have to defend your contentions. You may want to consider the below as you develop your critique:

a. Did the author succeed in developing the themes?

b. Do you agree with the major themes? If not, why not and provide evidence.

c. What did you enjoy about the book or what did you dread?

d. Would you recommend this book?

Please appreciate that a critique is your opinion based on the evidence (emphasis on evidence.) Please consult the optional handout attached above for further guidance.

4. +10 points: Properly summarize your critique. All papers must deliver a proper conclusion.

5. +10 Grammar, syntax, organization of paper.

In Short, your paper will consist of:

Book summary +10 pts
Selected two themes +10 pts
Criticism of selected themes. +60 pts
Conclusion +10 pts
Grammar/syntax +10 pts
Notes on Citations:

This book critique is NOT a research term paper. I do not want a paper full of long (block) quotations from the book or any other outside source. I most certainly do not want footnotes or endnotes. The paper is an exercise in critical thinking based on your selected themes. If you consult professional sources then merely use them as a “guide” to your paper. Try to get some “idea” on how others have treated the book. Think of the paper as an “op-ed’ (opposition to the editorial opinion) piece in your local newspaper. Anderson is stating a point (his opinion) and your role is to identify it, evaluate it, and, of course criticize it! Obviously, to make your point/opinion you will need to quote certain sections from the book, but please limit them and cite them properly. Again, please do not rely on outside sources to develop your paper.

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