Theoretical Study In Building An Electronic Archiving System For Diwan Of Royal Court In The Sultanate Of Oman

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Theoretical Study In Building An Electronic Archiving System For Diwan Of Royal Court In The Sultanate Of Oman

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Theoretical Study In Building An Electronic Archiving System For Diwan Of Royal Court In The Sultanate Of Oman


The Diwan of Royal Court is the most important government agencies in the Sultanate of Oman is the link between leadership and government ministries.
The mechanism of the work based on receiving and sending a huge amount of correspondence daily, and takes action immediately.
Currently the staff archives incoming and outgoing correspondence manually.

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Mostly, the work depends on the employee’s ability to achieve good quality

This research aims to establish an electronic archive system that will effectively replace the existing paper-based archive, and create a work environment that utilizes electronic records-keeping.


1.    To understand the work flew in the Diwan Of Royal Court .
Discussing this point can give a wide view about the organization and its departments and branches . Also to discover the daily work process.

2.    To find out the difficulties in the current manual archive which face the staff .
– Such as the overload of paper work.
– Wasting time registering incoming and outgoing documents.
– slow in the work process.
– lost documents.

3.    To discuss the benefits of developing system for the Diwan Of Royal Court.

–    Saving time and less cost.
–    Organize the work.
–    More secure.
–    Less staff.
–    Fast save and fast retrieve.
–    Flexibility in case there is modification or change in any document.

In the high level benefits of developing system for the Diwan Of Royal Court :

–    It’s expected to reduce bureaucracy issues and facilitate routine duties in administrative work.
–    The proposed model is also expected to be repeated, in that it can be installed in all branches of the Royal Court throughout the country.
–    The new electronic archiving system will allow the Diwan of Royal Court to meet the necessary set requirements and policies by maintaining a secure and a reliable document processing system.
–     The new system is also expected to provide a flexible information management policy that will enable the users to make into law legal holds and set pure and retention policies.

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4.    To analyze the challenges which might face implementing an electronic archiving system for the Diwan Of Royal Court.
–    How to make the system secure.
–    How to deal with millions of old documents.

The recommendations will be for two sides :

?    Diwan of Royal Court
–    Administrative work side.

?    The company which going to develop the system .
–    Technical work side.

Literature Review
–    In order to devise the most appropriate model for the best archiving system, there is a need to review numerous literature journals and reports. This will enable the research team to form a concrete opinion on the success rate of previous objective-based studies that have been carried out in the past .

–    A candid knowledge of past studies gives researchers the idea of the best approach to take in order to arrive at the desired model. It is also important as it will give them an opportunity to decide the most important information and documents that should take priority in the electronic archiving system.
–    The use of open-ended and closed questionnaires is a useful research tool in this objective study.
–     The success rate of the proposed electronic model system will depend upon the participation of all stakeholders within and outside the Royal Court.
–    It is important to use the questionnaires in order to collect the views and contributions of all participants whose contribution will direct the scope of the research.

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