Annotated Outline For Final Paper

  1. Refer to the materials that you compiled for Weeks 1 and 2 intended for completion of the final paper.
  2. Make any corrections to your cover page and/or annotated bibliography based on instructor feedback.
  3. Determine which resources you will use for your final paper (i.e., remove or add sources to your references list, as needed).
  4. Remove summary annotations from your Annotated Bibliography once it is completed, and create an APA-formatted references page as demonstrated in your APA Manual (6th ed.).
  5. Create an outline of your paper. You may choose to include annotations (adding information, explanations, and sentences that you have composed to start each section).
  6. Submit a revised cover page, an outline of your paper, and a references list with annotations removed by Day 7 of Week 3.

Read Section 3.4: Understanding the Importance of Precision and Specificity, Section 5.3: Ensuring the Conclusions Match the Type of Data Collected, and Section 5.4: Becoming a Savvy Consumer of Research, and review Section 5.1: Evaluating Journal Articles: The Big Picture, from Sole’s and Landrum’s (2015) Academic Research and Writing: A Guide for the Social Sciences.

This assignment is worth 6 points of the total course grade.
This assignment aligns with the following weekly outcomes: 3.
This assignment aligns with the following course outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.