You are one of many training specialists in your company. You have been asked to design a training module for managers

You are one of many training specialists in your company. You have been asked to design a training module for managers on how to meet the learning needs of their departmental employees. Meet the employees.  The all have different needs.  You will need to decide on these needs first.

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The title of the training will be “The Importance of Understanding Your Learners’ Needs”.


If your proposal is chosen as the training module for the company, you will be granted a substantial bonus and a raise.   Woohoo!  But you have to get the job first.


For the written portion of your final assignment, you will create a training module design that includes five strategic principles that you will apply in the training to assist your own training module in being successful, and a minimum of five principles of learning that you want to “teach” to your group of managers. You will base your choices on the hypothetical group of managers that you want to train. These principles may include any theoretical elements that have been introduced to you in the course. Examples of principles from these areas are provided below:


Behaviorism – repetition, reinforcement (feedback), association, and classical and operant conditioning

Cognitivism – assimilation, accommodation, the information processing model, and intellectual stimulation

Constructivism – scaffolding, metacognition, problem-solving and inquiry-based learning

Humanism – holism, personal agency, and motivation

You may also wish to review the following online sources to guide you in making decisions for your training:



Humanism in Education

Workshop: Constructivism as a Paradigm for Teaching and Learning

How to Use Behaviorism in a Classroom.


You may want to apply an activity to your training that uses repetition based on Behaviorism that suggests that reinforcement of responses is done through repetition, giving the student small sequences of tasks and providing constant flow of positive reinforcement to encourage effective learning of responses. Why would you think this is important? What learner needs did you notice?


A reminder – You do not need to design the activity or learning. Simply explain what you will teach and why and how you would teach it and why.

Or you may want to include a scaffolding strategy, such as linking the information to past experiences each manager has had, based on Cognitivism. What would this look like as a training session?


For the content you may want to include the importance of Emotional Intelligence differences or Multiple Intelligences? There are many we have discussed in this course. This is up to you, but you must include 5 areas of content you think would be the most important to teach. Remember the focus of your proposed training is “how to meet the learning needs of their departmental employees”. You are the expert.


Your grasp of each of the five principles you include in your content, as well as the applied principles from your course activities, will be evaluated based on your assessment of learner needs, the accuracy of your description, and the application of each in your proposed training module. Be sure to download the “PSY331 Final Assessment Scenario” document to view the specific information for the employees and training. You should follow these steps to complete your assignment:


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